It’s That Time Of Year Again
As the sun sets and the skies grow dark the anticipation builds for the first sight and sound of Fireworks. Suddenly there’s a whoosh, sparks can be seen as the rockets climbs into the darkness then Boom!!! The sound rattles the windows, visually there is a multicolored display of sparkles. It is simply awe inspiring. Again and again the rockets soar, firecrackers pop, the excitement grows for everyone. Everyone, except your pet!!! These loud visual celebrations can send pets into a frenzy. They don’t know what is going on or what to do. The sounds are terrifying to them. They can become so stressed that they can become lost or even worse.
What Can You Do To Help Your Pet? Continue reading Holiday Season’s Fireworks Prepare Your Pet
You’re thinking about traveling and realize that you will not be able to take your pets with you. What now? Do you place them in a kennel? Some animals do well in a kennel, but others suffer ANXIETY due to the strange surroundings . Also they are exposed to the germs and behavioral issues of the kennels other residents. Do you leave them with a relative or ask a neighbor to take care of them? Well, you know what, you really don’t want to inconvenience them and besides, they may have plans of their own.
There is an excellent alternative, a professional Pet Sitter. Your pet can stay at home in their familiar surroundings unexposed to the anxiety of strange surroundings, other animal’s issues and receive the attention and excellent care they need and deserve. Continue reading Pet Sitting, How To Find A Pet Sitter
Do you know what your dog is saying when she runs up to you, her tail held high, wagging back and forth, her front end down and rear end up? Then he takes off running away from you? Lucky you, for you have just been Continue reading Tail Of The Dog – What It Shows And Tells
It’s Starting To Get Cold!
Winter has arrived, the days are short and the temperature has dropped to the point that it’s cold outside. We have the heat on, a burning log in the fireplace, a cup of hot cocoa in our hand so we are ready to face the cold. The question is, what about our best friend and loving companion, our dog?  We need to take special precautions Continue reading Dogs In Winter – What Precautions To Take
If your dog is relaxed and alert, her ears will move a little as they pick up sounds from different directions. If the ears are laid back against her head take note as this can be a sign of aggression or submissiveness. Always act with Continue reading Dogs Ears – What They Can Show And Tell
As you start gathering your items to go, does your dog start whining, running in circles, jumping on the furniture and even tries to beat you out of the door. These are the signs of dog separation anxiety. Just like when we were children, we did not like being left behind and Continue reading Dog Health – Separation Anxiety
There are a variety of worms that cause illness in your dogs such as: heart worms, hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, and whip worms. What causes worms in dogs? These parasites have various causes and affects on you dog. Let’s examine worms in dogs, Continue reading Dog Health – Worms In Dogs
Dog Safety and Adoption will be the topic of the day during the WAG Rescue and Wimberley EMS Dog Safety Day.  We will be at the EMS station on Twilight Trail, off of FM 2325 in Wimberley, Texas from 10 AM til 2 PM on Saturday September 18th..  There will be information available on Continue reading Dog Safety – WAG Rescue Dog Safety And Adoption Day
The WAG volunteers set up the shade tarp, table and WAG information while others went to the Wimberley Kennel and transferred the dogs to the adoption day event. As people would walk around the square shopping, they would come by the booth, pet the dogs, share stories of Continue reading Dog Rescue – WAG Adoption Day Another Success
In the video included with this post, you will learn the importance of interactive food toys with shelter dogs such as Shag. View this video and listen as Joan Miller, animal behaviorist, explains to WAG volunteers the importance that an interactive food toy is to a dog especially a dog that is pinned up in a kennel most of the day. In Shag’s situation, he does not know where his food is coming from since Continue reading Dog Training – Interactive Food Toys and Impulse Training (Video Included)
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