Feeding a puppy
Rocks from 6 to 14 weeks of age with 3 main meals and 2 snacks
14 weeks to 5 months of age has 2 main meals and 2 snacks
From 5 months to 8 months of age with 2 main meals and 1 snack
From 8 months to 12 months “has 2 main meals
Than 12 months away 1 main meal and 1 snack or 2 small servings
Main meal:
1/3 share of the local
1/3 vegetables (all except peas, beans and larger col. Potatoes)
1/3 of pasta, rice or stale bread
The whole meal with soup bind or milk if the younger dog.
Amount: up to 10 lbs of dog main course has a capacity of flat plate deep 10 to 20 kg dog “” “Solid” “
 From 20 to 40 kg dog ” ’2 liter
Main meals can be only prepared foods for dogs as directed, dried or flooded
Desirable cooked boneless 2 x week
After the dog appetite is variable, if it remains in the lower plate next meal and if all licks and wants more, increase following a meal and not dopunjujte previous.
If the dog constantly chew something when you do then you will lose obrocnost, less will prosper because they will not have any appetite and you will not know how much he ate, or whether he’s hungry or the like.
If a meal prepared foods, dry, sinking keep in mind that it increase the volume in the stomach 4 X so if a dog eats too many to satisfy the hunger of the moment can seriously affect your health. This food used solely at the direction of quantity relative to the weight of the dog.
The best choice in our market granules is Royal Canin Starter to 3 months, and kansije Maxi Junior. Another good food is Eukanuba, Hills, Bento CRONEN, Pro Plan, Farmina, Josera, economic or … 5. Food prefixed with super premium. (depending on availability) Granulated food is combined with cooked. Example: two cooked meals, etc. One granules.
- Plasma biscuit
- Yogurt, sour milk
- Cottage cheese, cow or goat
- Runny boiled egg
- Rice pudding
- Grits
- Beans
- Peas
- Chocolate
- Chicken tubular bones
- Fish bones
- Raw egg balance
- Undesirable
Raw cow’s milk they want cause diarrhea
Breaded and fried, greasy food – eventually causing oily seborrhea skin indescribable stench of dog-skin
Stagnant water in a bowl and the residual food
I.vakcinacija of 6-8 weeks valence DHPPiL but the day before the clean rocks for worms
II “(revakcina same type of vaccine) 4 weeks after the first
After that vaccinated 1 year X the same vaccine.
BEFORE ANY VACCINES puppy should be cleaned for worms! Puppy vaccinated against rabies once a year starting 1 of 8 months of age, MUST
Dehelminthization (treated for worms):
Up to 6 months 1 X month
From 6 to 12 months 1X in two months
Of 12 mo. so still four times a year
         Thyroid plus
        Dehinel plus
Konsultijte with your veterinarian about the choice of plant parasites.
 Soon as you notice your dog sorrow, refuse to eat, congregate, vomiting or diarrhea GET contact your veterinarian for advice.
1 Ali, PAS can be sad if you’ve neglected or punished.
2 IF vomit ate too much or eat frozen food
3 gets 1-2 diarrhea IF ate fatty or crude liver
Normal temperature is 38.5 puppy rectally measured and adult dog 38 C.
GOOD REVIEW PSA after walking PIROPLAZMOZA BECAUSE of ticks by ticks after 24 stays at PSU can end in death.
Fleas will be your eternal struggle against them so the dog felt COMFORTABLE AND DOES NOT PROVE dermatitis or inflammation of the ear as a consequence of allergic conditions that they cause.
The first sign of allergies is scratching and biting the tail, PA Eczema Shelley Withers PSA BACK AND THEN you start to itch USI PA clove lead to recurring ear infections that are difficult to lie down.
Anti-flea and tick sold in veterinary clinics and before application konsultijte with your veterinarian.
Recommendation: Bayer necklace vials or ampoules Advantix and Frontline.
Look at the expiration date on the vials if applying yourself.
Editor Kiltix Necklaces
Poisonous Plants
Different types of ficus, ivy, palm trees and the water has many homes Difenbahija, kaladijum and philodendron, njjihovo leaves contain crystals that are released by chewing and the like needle stick in the lining of the mouth and tongue, causing severe pain and itching. Rubbing the snout has swollen nose and tongue. In the case of swelling, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with water and seek veterinary assistance. House plants kalanhoa contain glycosides which can cause epileptic seizures and paralysis of certain muscle groups.
There are many plants that are kept in and around the house, and that it is better not to touch or eat. These are just a few: Our beautiful difenbahija abundant poisonous juice that causes severe convulsions, and death due to suffocation respiratory muscle spasm.
Ferns that his razbašurenošću bring freshness, a dog can bring nausea, cramps, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow, blood changes.
Oleander, Mediterranean seducer who often make green gardens further north if you’re the owner to try to make it in the cold time of the year moves from house known since the time of the ancient Romans as a good tea to eliminate the enemy. It should be kept and not chew it.
Betting peony can also bring difficulties in swallowing, severe cramping, intestinal irritation, disturbance in the bloodstream.
Lily of the Valley intoxicating scent will cause, much like peony, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and irregular heartbeat and high blood pressure.
Silence the young twigs and leaves cause dilation, dizziness, pallor, altered heart rate and gušenje.Nežna anemone (Anemone) defends causing rashes, intestinal and kidney complaints and acting on the nervous system.
Neither Cyclamen not sinless. Izbjegavajmo said.
Cacti, everyone knows, but with a sting that cause inflammation, especially e-opuntia.
With all prior to bypass and rose, Mrazovac, max.
These are some poisonous plants to keep track of, and try to keep them out of reach of pets, especially curious puppies.
Poisoned animals abundant saliva, often vomiting, diarrhea gets, the pupils are constricted, have tics, teeth chatter teeth bothered her light and loud, is hypersensitive to dodir.Treba react immediately: The sooner you take the animal to the vet to give him the antidote and certainly noted that the animal is or could come into contact with such means
Water that collects in the saucer beneath the plant can be toxic if not plant, and all liquid fertilizers or other additives which fed their pets flowers can create big problems.
                Useful ingredients in dog food
Dog is a healthy and long life needed food consisting of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins. Proteins are the basic ingredients of the material body, carbohydrates and fats are the main sources of energy, and all the changes going on in the digestion of food … case for enzyme activity with certain vitamins and minerals.
Meat is the main source of protein. Besides the meat, protein is also found in eggs, milk and milk products are a little bit in plants. Proteins differ in the amount of amino acids and their composition. Some parts of meat have more or fewer amino acids, which is very important in case of essential amino acids. Therefore, it is necessary to change the type of the more meat you are feeding his body to get as many different amino acids. In addition to protein, meat contains fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. However, not everyone is equally nutritious meat. Veal is poor some essential amino acids and minerals, and contains too much pork fat.
Also, do not contain all parts of the same animal all the ingredients in the right quantity. For example, crude lung rich in vitamin C, but they are poor in protein and fat. The spleen is rich in iron, but may contain some harmful ingredients that can lead to severe and prolonged diarrhea. The liver is the most abundant amino acids also contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals as well as carbohydrates.
Carbohydrate dog gets mainly from plant foods.
These are grains, vegetables, or pasta, rice, oaten flakes, barley mash and spinach stew, Å panat, cabbage. This dog food receives a certain amount of vegetable protein, vegetable fats of different minerals, and vegetables, and with the vitamin.
It should be noted that the food of vegetable origin must serve as a complement to meat diet, to balance the daily meal, not as the main diet.
Fats and vitamins
Fat is an integral part of the food, and the body is required primarily for energy and supplies. The fats are also vitamins, soluble in fat – A, D, E and K.
Vitamins A and D are very important for the developing young dog, vitamin E is needed for muscle development, and vitamin K to maintain the normal function of blood clotting. Soluble vitamins in the water, the dog gets out of vegetables.
These are: vitamin C and vitamins of group B. These vitamins dog can I create with the help of bacteria that live in the colon. Fat in foods dogs generally well tolerated and is considered the dog a healthy digestive system can no consequences get up to 20% of fat in food, either animal or vegetable origin.
Important for many life functions. Most of the minerals needed in the dog small amounts, except for calcium and phosphorus, which are required in large quantities because they are built from the bones dog.
Phosphorus in the bones and has eggshell and calcium in milk and sour milk products. It is important to note that the bones are not used for food, but only for food mineralization dogs that are in development.
Dog must always have enough clean drinking water! Dog much easier to submit hunger, but thirst. Lack of water in the body, especially during the summer months, the disease can prouzrokavati certain vital organs, and even death (in young dogs for a few hours, and in adults for several days). Dog weighs ten pounds a day should drink about 3.5 dl water.
Interestingly, the dogs who stay in the yard, suffering from thirst more in winter than in summer. In winter the water freezes in the tank quickly, so if there is no snow dog has no other sources of water.
                    Regular care!
Good boss, a good dog’s lovely at the same time saying the warning. She was a puppy or an adult dog, male or female, big or small, village or town, your animals will always require you regular care and your loving devotion.
Learn above all to the good hygiene for your dog synonymous with good health and longevity, a synonym for you many happy trenuraka and balance. His collar, his leash, his cradle or his home, his toiletries: Some essential drugs should be subject to rigorous and rational choice. You will find that your dog, regardless of breed, loves walks and field, use it, then, that a pleasant traveling with him, following the practical advice we give. The good rules of life you will meet a dog encouraged him to revitalize the trust he has in you. You need to know to help him when he needs it, during copulation, braking, less pain and discomfort in their daily lives.
HYGIENE your dog
As a guarantee of good health, proper maintenance higljene your dog in the countryside, but in particular, can prevent many problems (inflammation, secretions from the eyes and ears). Regular or daily care provided, further, that the moments of closeness that reinforces confidence in his master’s dog.
To save him, the beauty and splendor, color of the coat of your dog need regular maintenance. City dogs lose their hair. stained greasy dirt from the street and should be brushed more often than rural dogs. For short hair brushing enough and is one week, and for animals with long hair it must be done every day, do not hesitate to brush and repeat several times a day during shedding season. Decreasing hair comes with spring and autumn when the animals live outside, and four or five times a year if you live in the city. Place your dog on a decent level, on a table, if you have short hair, use a coarse brush and carefully pass it over the entire body in the direction of hair growth: from head to tail, from back to belly, not-forgotten vljajući paws. Maintaining long hair requires more complex equipment: raÅ¡ÄeÅ¡ljivaÄ, ÄeÅ¡agiju, metal comb, brush and detangling lotion, dog brush to remove dust and dirt, untangle knots by hand, cut with scissors and the most persistent; moisturise hair any product for detangling skip raÅ¡ÄeÅ¡ljivaÄem, zatm currycomb apostate to remove hair; finished comb.
The frequency of bathing depends on the dog’s life: if you live in the open air, it is enough to wash it two or three times a year, if you live in an apartment, you can bathe him every two months. Use a shampoo for dogs, as they are intended us people in them can cause allergies. To avoid ućebanost blanket of hair, untangle it before you wet the dog, and protect the inside of the ears plugs of cotton wool. At the bottom of the tub set of skid surface, and put the dog on the ground and take a shower it with warm water shower arm holding the body only. Start from the head and try to keep the water completely penetrates the coat. Then, apply shampoo head, shielding his eyes, and then shampoo body and paws, rub the appearance of foam, and rinse thoroughly shielding his eyes with his hand. If you use an anti-parasitic shampoo, make sure that the package contains the license number for the product launch in the market, which is the guarantee of its safety. Spray the dog that produces and rinse thoroughly after a few minutes. Close the shower curtain and allow the dog to shake off. Dry it with a towel sponge, always in the direction of hair growth to prevent the formation of knots, or hair, brushing it together from the hair root to the top if the hair fall down, or in the opposite direction if it is to be picked up. Do not forget to remove the ear plugs of cotton wool. A dog who has a skin condition do not swim and that you have not konsuItovali veterinarian, keeping in mind that the fungal disease spread just swimming.
A puppy can swim by the third month, just be careful not to cold.
Once a week, clean around the perimeter swab boiled warm water or chamomile. If your dog tears in my eyes, as is often the case with patuIjstih race, it should be done every day. If a dog is much more narrow, all the while changing hair color, consult your veterinarian.
They should be monitored regularly, especially sagging ears sensitive to parasites and infections. Once a week, remove the hair that closes the ear canal with scissors zaobljeiimi tops. Put a cotton ball soaked in ear product intended for that purpose and smlaÄenim; inject a small amount to the bottom of the canal and massage the ear. Shaking his head, the dog will remove excess secretion. Then wipe dry with cotton wool.
Dog spared no stones. Be careful, as stones increases the risk of infection of the gums and teeth nakedness. He regularly brush your teeth baking soda solution or an abrasive toothpaste for dogs. You can also move half a lemon outside and the inside of the teeth. If, despite your care teaching calculus to catch and cause bad breath, visit the vet for descaling.
Dogs who live in an apartment do not use your nails enough, and should be cut off. This is a delicate procedure and should be performed with special gear cutter, which cuts the nail instead of mash, which could cause the dog pain. Place it on a surface that is easily cleaned. If you complain, put a basket. We should not cut living part of the nail, pink color, which is clearly marked on your nails without pigment. On black nails, a benchmark may take a tangent that runs from the base pads. If, inadvertently damaging the roots, it will cause light bleeding. Stop him in cotton wool soaked in ten-percent hydrogen, or by hemostatiÄke pen.
Check pads, align the hairs between prstlju to avoid creating lumps. Always ensure that the dog might have gravel, thorns or “piggy Popin ‘between the toes, which can lead to abscess formation. The city, which frequently wash the dog paws;
chewing gum and miscellaneous debris can stick to the pads and cause discomfort, less inflammation or infection.
Placed on both sides of Amis, and sometimes swollen glands. Dog then rubs rear of the body on the ground. Lift up his tail with one hand, take another cotton pad of hydrophilic and press down firmly on both sides anus to squeeze out the excess secretion.
HUNTING unwelcome “guests”
Dog’s life is rarely carried out without the presence of the parasite where it should be free. These are fleas, ticks, lice and other. There is more money.
Shampoo for parasites
Shampoo against parasites is used when bathing.
Insecticidal BOMB
Dog is afraid insecticide bombs, because it makes a noise.
Insecticidal POWDER
Inseticidni targoka powder-based, it is convenient because it has to penetrate deep into the hair; supervise your dog to prevent it from licking it then brush it long.
Antiparasitic NECKLACE
Antiparasitic necklace containing insecticide or acaricide product. Effective against fleas, but less against ticks and must be changed every three months. (There is one model of “special anti-tick”).
No matter which method you choose, do not forget to disinfect dog cart or a place where he usually is. Online there are so provided for special products.
Trimming PSA
Often it is easier and safer to complete dog grooming entrust professional. Only yesterday, reserved for certain races curly or coarse hair, grooming a complex skill practiced today in all dogs, including a crossbreed. Professionals do not apply the rules literally, but know how to take care of the dog line to highlight his features. Required if the dog is going to compete, trimming is recommended if you want to be animals are in accordance with the rules of their race. The criteria have changed over the years. Poodle haircut in mind that the lion vanishes make way eccentric haircuts, harmonious and modern. Poodles need trimming every two months. In dogs with a rough coat (Fox, schnauzers, etc..), Should be done shaping and trimming every three months. Shepherd dogs with thick hair, or bobtejlu brieÅ¡kom shepherd, if brushed regularly, sufficient for two to three sessions per year, Afghan greyhound with long hair from time to time require specialist care. Professionals have the proper grooming of dogs and sophisticated equipment: table to immobilize the dog in a standing position, using a belt, hairdressing scissors of all sizes for cutting or thinning hair, trimming machine with multiple heads, brushes that are more or less solid (made of silk, hair of a wild boar, etc.), gloves glaze, curry comb, combs and hair. Some are used as a heat bath or a side door to avoid raising the animals are. When fine-tuning applied several methods: cutting, shearing, or waxing, which can be done manually or by using ÄeÅ¡ljanoža, trimmer, or final design is made of fur which blade spacing and comb, which gives the dog a desired line. Shear and apply the trim to the dog with a rough coat (terrier, schnauzer, dachshund with a rough coat). Dogs are usually bathed before grooming. This action avoids the fox terrier, unless it is very dirty, it does not ruin his hair.
Beauty care products DOGS
Range of shampoos, lotions and creams for dogs will not stop expanding: ten shampoo for all hair types and all colors of fur, vegetable oil sheen hair creams or hair unraveling of erecting softeners adapted fur texture, fasteners and even toilet water . These products, no matter how imaginative and sometimes redundant, are sold in salons for grooming dogs, specialty stores, department stores in the departments of animals, and even in pharmacies.
                          Ear Care in Dogs
It is necessary at least once a month (more often if necessary) to review dog ears. The canal should be clean surface. A little fat is not a Prole and it can not be dealt with. But if the ear was clogged with hair or fat, it’s pulling and / or cleaning.
Healthy ear has a warm fragrance smoothly. Unpleasant or strong odor indicates an infection that requires treatment. In dogs with long ears (basset) or those dogs with a lot of hair on his big ears (cocker spaniel) should be given more attention. When these dogs ear ventilation is difficult, resulting in increased humidity inside the ear canal, which favors the growth of bacteria.
Also frequently wetting the ear canal during swimming or bathing, can cause some dogs to stimulate activity ceruminoznih glands, resulting in obstruction of the ear canal and reproduction of microorganisms. Poodles have narrow ear canals and are prone to accumulate fat.
Ear itch
Ear itch occurs as a result of the presence of a small parasite akarijesa (different from the one that may be the cause of itch all over the body). As a result there are severe itching and bad smell crkasti cerumen. This disease is harmless, but it is very contagious to other dogs and cats.
Treatment: Applying the antiparasitic agents, which caused unwanted parasites are quickly disappearing.
Auricular hematoma
This type of hematoma (othematom) is one of the more common diseases of the ear. Various causes of this phenomenon causing hematoma: sheering ears and scratching due to acute or chronic otitis media, the presence of parasites, ticks or foreign body in the ear canal. This type of lesion often affects dogs with long ears and relaxed. Hematoma can be caused by injury ear artery.
Treatment: Treatment involves placing suction hematoma and compression bandage on his ear. If it is determined that a chronic hematoma, or is prone to recurrence, it should be somewhere on the surgical solution to izkiretirao. You must, of course, to treat otitis media, which is the cause of the injury.
It is a burst ear canal. He has performed as a result of bacterial infection, parasite invasion (ear itch), or fungi, or due to the presence of a foreign body. Then it comes to unilateral otitis, which affects only one ear. About erithematocerumenskom otitis talk when the channel is abundant and dense cerumen, accompanied by itching and is more or less redness. If there is pus in the outer channel and if it is painful, it is a putrid otitis. When he finds himself in one ear foreign body, the dog is vigorously scratching her head and lean to that side. View ears stethoscope and extracting forceps popinog pig is a job to be a veterinarian to perform. It happens that a foreign body penetrate the eardrum and go into the middle ear. This causes an imbalance, spinning in circles, and tilted his head fall to the side.
Treatment: Treatment is surgical and consists in the removal of the foreign body. Indentation of a foreign body in the ear lobe can be prevented if she shaves regularly, and putting a small amount of petroleum jelly in it. Infective otitis media should not be ignored. It is treated with antibiotics if purulent, otherwise it can spread to the middle ear, p
                          The characteristics of a healthy dog
Health is the harmony of all bodily functions both in the animal organism, and in relation to the external environment. Disturbance of this balance was acting outside of any internal factors leading to disease. The disease is an imbalance of bodily functions.
Function of certain organs or organ systems may disrupt various internal or external factors. On internal factors usually comes constitutionally different faults, while the extrinsic factors include a variety of biological, physical and chemical factors and the influence of the environment in which the dog lives.
In certain circumstances, when the influence of unfavorable factors on the body of a dog stronger actions of its defense mechanisms and leads to disease. In such cases it is very important to respond in a timely manner and provide adequate assistance to sick animals. To be seen on time pokaztelji for the existence of the disease should be the first to know the characteristics of a healthy dog. Interest will be healthy for showing their environment, reacting to stimuli from the environment and has a lively temperament. A healthy dog ​​is a quick and clear response. The general appearance of the dog gives a harmonious whole where nothing is superfluous or anything missing. The skin and hair of these dogs is clean and bright, clear eyes and an expression without discharge, and nose is cold and wet. A healthy dog ​​is happy to take food and taking a moderate amount of water. In addition to these general characteristics of a healthy dog, you should pay attention to the constitution, condition and temperament (consciousness). These three components have an important role in veterinary medicine, especially in a general clinical examination and that establishes the disease. In addition to these there are other objective criteria by which we ascertain the changes caused by a disease. In the first place, there is one triad – body temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate. In healthy, adult dogs rectal temperature measured ranges from 37.5 to 39 C. Measurement time is about 5 minutes. The pulse is measured at any of the available artery palpation and is 60 to 120 pulses per minute, and the number of breaths is between 10 and 40 ppm. In judging these values ​​should be taken into account racial characteristics, age and physiological conditions in which these parameters can change (pregnancy, strenuous efforts, training dogs …). In addition to the Triassic blood test, urine, feces, and other bodily fluids, and various specialist examinations also prove the existence of certain pathological processes. Of course, they are the object of research staff and the owner of these animals are not routinely checked.
                      The characteristics of a healthy dog
Sometimes it is very difficult to ascertain whether it is an animal or not bolenoj. The reason for that is too large range of pathological phenomena and processes, regardless of their causes, which are susceptible dogs.
In general it can be said that any deviation from the usual behavior of the dog must be a clear signal to the owner that something unusual is happening. Often behavioral changes precede all other symptoms. Therefore, it is important to timely detect. Behavioral problems are identified by the response of animals to different external stimuli. Very sick dogs often show more or less pronounced depression. Of course, this depends on the type and intensity of the disease. All responses are to some degree less: slower movements, responding to the call is slower and the reaction to light, smell and sound. When depression based on more animals in need of sleep to a greater extent, while it does not affect the environment fully informed. Also, the changed behaviors by which it can be concluded about specific disease processes, one of excitation condition – increased irritability. Such animals at every sound, smell or appearance reacts very violently. Frequent were fully informed unpredictable reactions that are sometimes difficult to control.
Most of the diseases monitored in the Triassic changed one degree or another. These indicators can and dog owners are very easy to reach. With the twisted values ​​of the Triassic, the disease is manifested by a series of changes in the visible mucous membranes of the eye, nose, mouth, anal opening and genital openings. Change the color of mucous discharge phenomena, as well as its features may indicate a pathological process in the body. Healthy-looking mucosa is pale pink with little clear content that makes it moist. Upon the occurrence of any discrepancies vetrinarsku should seek help.
It should be noted that a large number of diseases with very little passing marked symptoms or they are fully informed unclear. In cases takvm necessary to address the professional person in order to avoid the loss of valuable time in the later treatment.
After each disease occurs more or less recovery time – convalescence. Sometimes the disease is more severe in this period is very time consuming and requires great effort and cooperation animals, owners and vetrinara. In this period should be very responsible and conscientious veterinarians follow the instructions to avoid recurrence or additional complications.
              Urgent conditions AND FIRST AID
This term means a medical emergency that can lead to death of the animal if it is not tretmen implement as soon as possible.
This condition is characterized by sudden onset of pain in the belly area is often accompanied by vomiting, extreme restlessness and an inability to find a suitable posture, cvljenjem, shallow and rapid breathing. The characteristic that poses a dog sitting with widely spaced front feet or so trying to lie. The stomach is extremely painful and tense when palpated. As the condition progresses, the pulse becomes weaker, paler mucosa and the dog falls into a state of shock. Conditions that can lead to the appearance of these symptoms include dilation of the stomach and torsion (twisting of the stomach and bloating), urinary stones, abdominal trauma with internal injuries, rupture of the bladder, poisoning, rupture of the uterus during pregnancy, peritonitis, acute inflammation of the pancreas, bowel obstruction. In these cases, the only possible solution is the prompt departure of the vet.
Artificial respiration and heart massage
CPR emergency procedure is performed to facilitating the unconscious dog breath. Cardiac massage is used when a heartbeat can not be heard or felt palpiranjem auscultation. Respiratory failure soon followed by stopping of the heart muscle, so that the combined implementation of these procedures are maintained in the dog’s life. In these cases, it is necessary to start artificial respiration and / or heart massage: shock, poisoning, prolonged seizures, coma, head injury, electric shock, airway obstruction, unexpected or sudden death. There are two methods of artificial respiration that I am the owner can perform: the pressure on the chest and techniques “mouth-to-nose” that is used when the compression of the chest or no effect in breaking the chest. When heart massage your dog to lie on the right side, in the region of the heart apritisak runs 6 times in a row, so a break of 5 seconds until a continuous heart rate for 5 minutes.
Burns can be caused by high temperatures, chemicals, electric shocks and radiation. Skin damage depends on the length and intensity of exposure to these factors. For superficial burns to notice redness, blistering and sometimes slightly smaller islands. There is a painful reaction to the touch these mesta.Kod deep burns skin is almost white, hair is easily removed from such places, and the pain is far worse. If this condition is affected by more than 15% of the body surface of animals very quickly falls into a state of shock and require prompt treatment.
For minor burns should be applied at places like the cold compress for about 20 minutes to remove the pain. It is necessary to carefully cut the hair and wash with a mild solution of disinfectant place, dry and apply an antibiotic ointment inert. Place to protect from scratching and licking. For chemicals burns affected places should be rinsed with water. Mild acid to neutralize the base solution and vice versa. It should be applied by an antibiotic ointment and consult a veterinarian ..
Long-term exposure to low temperatures leads to a drop in body temperature. This usually happens when the dog is wet and when it is exposed to a low temperature environment in which they reside. Posedbno sensitive dwarf races and races with shorter hair. Drop in body temperature also occurs in shock, when long-term anesthesia and hypothermia in newborn Å¡tenadi.Znaci be observed as a bluish-purple color of skin, muscle tremors, apathy, collapse and finally coma.
Such animals should be removed as soon as possible in a warm place, and if it is wet or dry wash with warm water and rub dry towels well. It should be applied by hot compresses to the body. This procedure should be repeated until body temperature returns to above 37.5 C. You need to replace lost much glucose in the blood.
Dehydration is a significant loss of body fluids and electrolytes. While the disease can be caused by dehydration and inadequate fluid intake. The high temperature and fever also enhancing fluid loss. Another common cause of dehydration is prolonged vomiting and diarrhea. One of the first signs of dehydration are loss elsticiteta skin and dry mouth while later signs include inflammation of the eyeball, and circulatory collapse.
In the simple case when the dog does not vomit fluid replacement is possible through the mouth dissolution for the purpose. In all other cases it is necessary veterinary care.
Heat stroke is a medical emergency that requires prompt recognition and treatment as soon as possible. Dogs do not tolerate high temperatures as well as give off excess heat ljudi.Oni rapid and shallow changes from warm to cold vazuha – dahtanjem.Zato when the environmental temperature is very close to the body temperature of these changes are not as effective and may result in overheating of the body. Also, dogs that suffer from respiratory diseases have this problem. The most common situations that lead to overheating and heat stroke are: leaving the dog in the car in hot weather, the setting and exposure to direct sunlight dogs without shade and shadow, inadequate transport in poorly ventilated vehicles and the like. These situations are particularly difficult for dogs with short snout and those suffering from respiratory disorders. Heat stroke is recognized initially at high speed, short and audible disanju.Sve mucosa and tongue are bright red, often foam at the mouth and accumulate dogs vomit. Sometimes the measured rectal temperature and above 41 C. If the state does not control the diarrhea occurs with traces of blood, the dog progressively weak performances coma and death.
The treatment begins with visible covers the dog from the environment to the current whereabouts. It is necessary to cool the dog before any bath or wetting with water from any other source. They can be given the cold enema and rectal temperature should be lowered to 39 C. You need to pay attention to breathing problems and if any help is needed vet.
Prevention: Do not expose the dog long intervals of high temperature, reduce training and exercising in hot weather, dogs transported in open wire cages, provided a sufficient amount of cold, fresh water during the warmer weather. POISONING
Under the poison in a broad sense can be considered any substance or material that causes damage to tissues, organs and organ systems. The possibility of poisoning is always present and whether intentional or accidental, they are very common. Poisoning can cause various detergents, acids, bases, paints, varnishes, petroleum products, insecticides, pesticides, means the destruction of rodents, lead products, cijankalij, arsenic, mercury, and chemical warfare, etc.. All of the above poisons lead to severe or very severe reparable condition. Jobs are dying and after a few minutes after the introduction of toxic substances. For some poisons are known against poisons so that timely therapy leads to success. Unfortunately, most do not.
When the owner noticed some symptoms that indicate poisoning, and these are usually sudden, frequent vomiting, extreme salivation, agitation, intense, profuse diarrhea, the first thing that SKONI dog with suspicious places. Should try to identify the poison if it is possible to induce vomiting. For this purpose, can be used as a handy means of the 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide hydrogen, salt solutions or coffee grounds. Vomiting should trigger only when the dog is in full consciousness and is able to swallow. Should not be given anything other than the aforementioned dog to drink or pour it with anything, before examination by a veterinarian.
In wound care are two major procedure that would valsnik supposed to do. First, temporarily or permanently stop the bleeding and prevent subsequent infection. It must be borne in mind that these procedures in some painful injuries and should be protected accordingly (a muzzle or supporter).
Bleeding that is life threatening may be arterial (bright red blood ISTC jets synchronously with the impulses of the heart) or venous (dark red blood in the jet), or a combination of the previous two. Fresh wound should not be rinsed 3% hydrogen peroxide in the short term if the animal can not be taken to the vet. The wound from which he stopped the bleeding should not put anything in the newly formed clot is not damaged.
Putting compressive bandage is the first method that should pokušeti stop the bleeding. Several pieces of sterile gauze pad should be placed on the wound and wrap it with a bandage. Pressure at first, until it stops bleeding, should be stronger in order to gradually easing later. Can try and pressure in a larger blood vessel that feeds a certain region of the body.
The second method is used in cases of stronger and more intense bleeding from major blood vessels or parts of limbs during breakout. In these cases, since life is really in danger, should be placed above the tufts of bleeding and really tighten it (supporter must be between the wound and the heart). For every 30-minute tufts should loosen and allow the blood flow to that region during the 2-3 minutes to avoid necrosis.
Otvornih treating superficial wounds should start by cutting the surrounding hair removal and dirt from the environment and the wound itself. Indicated the use of warm saline solution or lukewarm water. We should not wash the wound 3% hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. Just clean the wound has the purpose to put antibiotic ointment and bend it. Wounds more than 1 -1.5 cm, at the same time, stab and wound over 12 hours require special treatment, so the dogs should be taken to a veterinary inspection
Bone fracture
Fractures (fractures) bones are the consequence of the strong force trauma to the skeletal system. In cases where there is already a bone disease often enough and minimal effect of a force that was a fracture.
In younger dogs bone system is more resistant to the effects of trauma, so that the frequent incomplete fractures (cracks), while in older dogs usually leads to serious injuries chopped system. The process of rehabilitation and fracture healing is much faster and easier to malđih individuals.
There are internal (indoor) open fractures and fractures, when there is a discontinuity skin. Open fractures are often further complicated very severe bone infections.
You need to know when it comes to bone fractures that often leads to the other disorders in the body. Such dogs are often in a state of shock, there is bleeding or injured and other organs. If it is suspected that there was a fracture such animals should still prevent the movement of which can lead to further damage to the bone or surrounding tissue. If possible, it is necessary to immobilize the body and some handy means as soon as possible to help manage it. For this purpose, can use a variety of wood, plastic or hard board materials, thick layer of paper (newspaper). Places where the fracture should bend with enough cotton wool and bandage should be loose.
Interventions on bones require maximum hygiene and sterility full working conditions, special equipment and general anesthesia to perform these operations, so no need to resort to any improvisation.
This group of diseases broadly be divided into diseases caused by ectoparasites, endoparasites and protozoa.
The most common pathogens that cause disease in dogs ectoparasites are fleas, Å¡ugarci, demodeks and ticks.
NajaÄešći cause that leads to skin problems in dogs is maÄeća fleas (Ctenocephalides felis). Almost all dogs are sensitive and exposed to the influence of this parasite, except dogs living at high altitudes.
Fleas feed on the host on which parasitize. Also, adult fleas can survive up to 2 months out of the host. A large number of dog fleas cause itching medium intensity that is tolerable. Large infestations of these parasites can be, especially in puppies, and lead to more serious disorders (anemia higher level). Fleas are the intermediate hosts for the dog tapeworm. In sensitive dogs she developed an allergic reaction to flea bites, or the proteins that are found in pjuvaÄci fleas. As a result of allergies, these dogs come to much more serious disorder and damage to hair and skin.
The main symptom of flea infestation is intense scratching, particularly in the region around the tail, the rump, the belly and legs. Diagnosis is made by finding fleas on the animal, since these small brown insects are visible to the naked eye, or the discovery of feces or flea eggs, which indicate the presence of these parazitz the dog.
It should be noted that in dogs that are sensitive to flea bite only take one bite to lead to the manifestation of severe clinical symptoms.
Since the development of fleas go through several stages (eggs, larvae, few, puppies and adult fleas) in the treatment and control of fleas should cover all forms of development. In practice this is not easy because there is no single ideal animal means the destruction of all forms. In addition, fleas have a remarkable ability to adapt to insecticides so that the treatment and control even more difficult.
The basic principle of treatment is antiparasitic treatment. In the market there are many different products and the efficiency of different forms (sprays, shampoos, powders, solutions, spot on forms, necklaces and so on.). Given the toxicity of these drugs is advisable before using prokonsultovati with your veterinarian.
Dogs whose manifest allergic dermatitis require special treatment under the control of a veterinarian.
Scabies is a perennial dog disease is more common in dogs that are kept in poor hygienic conditions.
Cause the Å¡ugarci of three species, namely: Sarcoptes, and Notoedres Otodectes, with the most common causes sarcoptic and Otodectes. These parasites spend their life cycle in the skin of the host, making channels in it and laying eggs. Drilling skin parasites cause major damage to the skin and secondary infection causing itching even more.
Scabies is a disease spread throughout the world and affects both humans and animals. It is easily and quickly transferred from an ill dog by direct contact or via contaminated equipment or equipment. Their parasitic actions in and on the skin Å¡ugarci cause intense itching that results in additional swelling of the skin. The itching becomes more intense at night and in closed spaces and warm. Damaged places notice redness, lumps, scratches, scabs and scaly skin. There may be a systemic disorder in the form of anemia, secondary bacterial infections.
Otodectes itch is localized in the ear canal, the ear and around the base. Parasites cause inflammation of the ear canal with increased secretion characteristic dark content. Dogs scratching ears, shaking his head and can reach dodoatnih complications such as damage to the eardrum or middle ear.
Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and scarified skin. The therapy must act on the causes, but also simultaneously carried symptomatic therapy with enhanced quality and nutrition.
                            Demodicosis DOGS
Demodicosis is inflammatory, parasitic skin disease of dogs that is characterized by loss of hair, but with pronounced itching. This condition is usually related to a weakened immune status of the animal. Common in German shepherds.
The disease occurs in two forms: localized and generalized form. Localized form usually occurs in dogs aged 12 meseci.Zapaža as proređenje hair around the eyes, mouth and front legs. Usually resolve spontaneously in a time of 3 months. There is a move in the localized form of generalized form.
A generalized form of demodicosis is rampant in many places on the body and occurs in three forms: juvenile (dogs aged 3 – 12 months), demodicosis adult dogs and chronic inflammation of the skin around the fingers and toes (pododrematitis). In this case is often a secondary bacterial infection that can lead to itching, which is not specific to demodicosis.
Among the factors that may favor the development of demodicosis should allocate genetic factors, stress, poor nutrition, hormonal disorders and endoparasites.
Treatment and treatment of this disease is time-consuming and must be controlled by a veterinarian. Neglected cases can end the death of the animal.
Ticks have a complex life cycle that involves parasitism on three hosts – domestic and wild animals and humans. The dogs parasitizes many species of ticks virtually all of which can transmit disease to dogs. From the disease should be noted piroplazmozu (babesiosis), tularemia, Lyme disease, etc.. Ticks are usually found on the ears, neck, head and fingers. Sometimes dogs may be contaminated with a few hundred ticks all over his body. However, to convey some of the diseases ticks on the dog it will take just a bite of ticks, which often does not reach the owner or notice.
If the dog finds a small number of ticks should try them out. Previously it was thought that the first tick must be killed in order to subsequently extracted. For this purpose, were administered alcohol, gasoline, various oils and the like. and then pulled out a tick. The reason why this is abandoned is that when necrosis infect tick drops that can cause disease. The procedure for removing ticks properly consists in taking the tick with tweezers or special instruments and turning the bodies of ticks in the opposite direction of clockwise. It is also necessary gently pull the tick’s head from the dog’s skin. The removed tick should not touch their hands because people can get sick from some disease that is transmitted by ticks. If removing the ticks head lag occurs ticks in the dog’s skin to monitor whether there will be a spontaneous expulsion of the rest in the following days. If you place the bite becomes red and the appearance of signs of infection should seek advice from your vet.
In cases of major tick infestations, dogs need istretirati some commercial preparations against ectoparasites.
In the season of spring – autumn would be a good dog to protect some of the products that have a longer-lasting and protective effect.
PIROPLAZMOZA – Canine babesiosis
Piroplazmoza is a very difficult disease caused by parasitic protozoa belonging. These parasites destroy red blood cells – red blood cells, thus leading to anemia. The disease usually occurs in the spring and fall, although not excluded any cases of the disease in zaimskom period.
Incubation with piroplazmoze is relatively short, so that the clinical symptoms may occur within 2 to 3 days after injection krpelja.U some cases, a latent infection and lasting for 10-odd days. At first it appears high temperature followed by fatigue and lethargy dog. Later occurs anemia, jaundice and blood in his urine. May occur, and vomiting.
It is very rare for a dog I get over this disease, and if you get over the common permanent damage to the liver and kidneys. Most of the dogs that did not undergo timely treatment uginjava.
Therapy, if it starts on time, is very effective and lasts for several days. The improvement comes after a few hours of giving adequate veterinary medicines. With supportive therapy is continued for several more days with forced feeding.
Dogs who have overcome piroplazmozu immunity that protects them from ill again. It should be noted that the duration of immunity varies considerably and that the possible recurrence of infection.
There are vaccines and drugs for prevention and providing protection from 1 to 6 months.
Intestinal parasitic
Intestinal parasites are a common problem in dogs. They can cause very mild or even unnoticeable clinical symptoms, but can cause very serious and severe clinical picture, so that even the life of an animal is at stake. In young animals with frequent severe symptoms of intestinal parasitic infestations in, but should not be overlooked that it is a common cause of chronic diarrhea in adult dogs the presence of intestinal parasites.
Young animals infested with intestinal parasites show the following symptoms: feeling down they are apathetic, their appetites were weak hair is dry and of poor quality, often to their stomach swelled and painful on pressure, and there is profuse diarrhea which may but need not be intestinal parasites notice. Sometimes young animals and vomiting, and happens to be noticeable vomit intestinal parasites.
In adult animals of intestinal parasitic infestations are usually not noticed by the owner. The only symptom that owners notice the presence of diarrhea of ​​more or less intensity. Diarrhea may be present continuously or periodically occurs, it may be in the form of liquid or completely kaÄaste chairs, stools and may or may not need to show up the intestinal parasites.
Intestinal parasitic infestations, especially in young animals are dangerous because they often lead to secondary infection by bacteria or viruses.
Is common in dogs and puppies prenatal infestation (infestations before birth, through breast bloodstream). In the diagnosis of intestinal parasites is crucial Coprological review and vet who performed based on the results veterinarian prescribes the most effective remedy for eliminating intestinal worms.
Round worms (Ascaridae)
There are four potential times for a round worm infestation and they are: prenatal infestation puppies transplacental migration (migration causes the placenta), and infestation pups through breast milk, infestation per oral ingestion of infectious eggs and infestation by per oral and accidental introduction of the intermediate hosts (mice, birds, insects …) parasites. In the body of the host, askaride pass through several forms and migrate through the host organism passing through the liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and tissues.
Almost all newborn puppies were infested with larvae T.canis found in their lungs due to transplacental migration of parasites. Therefore, puppies at the age of three weeks, in their intestines, which have grown askaride produce eggs, so that the faeces of puppies is a large number of eggs.
Therapy and prevention – In the market there are many effective medicines for the treatment of ascariasis. Since most puppies born askaridama infested, it is necessary to first treatment against intestinal parasites puppies make between the second and third weeks of age, before the eggs askarida first appearance in feces Å¡tenaca.Tretman be repeated in the fourth, sixth and eighth week of age puppies to kill askaride that were due to prenatal organism, through breast milk, and the introduction of infectious mouth. Together with the puppies, must be treated and tempered.
Preventive treatment against intestinal parasites of dogs is mandatory measures in human healthcare. There is the possibility of infection of people, especially children and the larva T.canis Viscelarna disease is called larva migrans. Therefore, all dogs should be prevented from worm cleaned at intervals of three to six months. It would be desirable to twice a year and make Coprological examination of feces of dogs especially in animals that spend a lot of children.
Tapeworms (Cestoda)
PatljiÄarama infestation in dogs usually leads to severe clinical symptoms. Possible occurrence of diarrhea stronger or weaker intensity but the general condition of the animals is not drastically disturbed.
Dipylidium caninum tapeworm is spread by fleas, which causes intense itching in the anus so that the dog licks and bites in that area and “ride the ass”
Echinococcus spp. the tapeworm that causes no noticeable symptoms in infested dog, but it causes a very serious and severe disease in humans. Dogs usually eat when infestiraju of LE unhygienic meat that is not cooked.
A regular dose of antihelmintic treatment (Treatment of assets against intestinal parasites) and a control animal droppings Coprological views are important measures to protect the health of both humans and animals.
Ankilostomide (Ancylostomidae) and Uncinarije (Uncinariae)
Signs of infestation Ancylostoma caninum to a range from imperceptible to a bloody and profuse stools, vomiting, general weakness, lack of appetite, dehydration, and growth retardation. In severely infected puppies, there is anemia that can lead to death.
Ankilostomama infestation occurs prenatally, through breast milk, infective larvae entering through the mouth, entering accidental hosts and infective larvae penetration through the skin.
Pathogenic effects of the parasite is directly related to the amount of blood these parasites suckle, as well as bleeding and fluid loss that they caused in the intestine. In the prevention of disease caused by these parasites is very important regular dehelminthization of dogs and at the same pattern that is specified when we talked about a round worm.
Infectious pathogens (infectious) disease in dogs can be bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, and rickettsia. These diseases are usually transmitted from one animal to another by direct contact, infected urine, feces, other bodily secretions or inhaled infectious agents. Many of these pathogens can not survive very long in the environment, which is relevant for the control and prevention of infectious diseases.
Infectious diseases are among the diseases in dogs with a very high mortality (death) even when the treatment is started in the first days of illness. Therefore, the basic form of protection against these diseases represent a vaccination of dogs which stimulates the body to produce protective antibodies.
There are two types of vaccines. The first is the type of vaccine containing modified live virus that leads to a oboljenja.Ovaj virus is weakened to such an extent that does not cause disease, but stimulates the body to produce antibodies dog. Another type of vaccine contains inactivated or dead virus, which also has the ability to stimulate individuals in the body’s immune response. Regardless of the type of vaccine is necessary in order to carry out the vaccination doreÄ‘enim recurrence intervals in order to maintain an adequate level of antibodies in the body, which provides secure protection.
Although vaccines are the most effective method of prevention and combating of infectious diseases occur and that vaccinated dogs, especially the younger they are ill. There are several reasons for this: inadequate mode of transport and / or storage, improper way of giving vaccines, too soon or too late, giving vaccines, giving vaccines that have expired; sharing single dose into multiple pieces and giving incorrect doses; inability dog ​​that immune responses given the vaccine.
A dog that is vaccinated must be healthy and only in this case we can expect a favorable immune response of vaccinated individuals. Therefore veterinarian before giving vaccines perform clinical examination of the animal and decide whether the dog is in the proper state of the Health Care that enables seamless vaccination. The vet may also disclose to review some significant changes that may be overlooked by the owner.
Puppies and young dogs are very sensitive to the age groups of a certain disease, and they must be vaccinated as soon as their immune system is not developed. The diseases against which vaccination is required include rabies, distemper, infectious liver inflammation (infectious hepatitis), parvovirus infection of dogs, leptospirosis, parainfluenza and koronavirusna infections dogs.
Since every puppy or adult dog case for himself, and that the essential proper handling of vaccines, vaccination should be given by a qualified and responsible persons.
Distemper (Distemper)
Distemper is a contagious viral disease common in the world and is one of the leading causes of death of dogs, which are caused by infectious diseases.
The virus is highly resistant in the environment and can also survive for years. Distemper is most common in unvaccinated puppies aged 3 to 8 months, although adult dogs that are not vaccinated get sick in very large numbers.
Distemper virus has a high affinity for epithelial ćelijama.To the cells located on the surface of the respiratory, digestive, are found in the skin, mucous membranes and brain.
The disease occurs in several forms, and secondary infections and complications Pro-aggravate the prognosis of the disease.
The first signs of disease appear 3 to 15 days after infection. In the first stage of the disease is noticed very high fever, loss of appetite, apathy and watery discharge from the nose and eyes. These symptoms are often confused with symptoms of a cold, so it should be borne in mind.
In the next few days the discharge and density changes to a yellowish, sticky and thick discharge, sometimes very dark. Appear and other symptoms of respiratory illness in the form of cough, bronchitis, pneumonia. On abdominal skin may appear boils. Diarrhea is common in dogs with distemper and can lead to severe dehydration of the body. In the following days, the disease leads to alternating decreasing and increasing temperature, while the general condition of patients živvotinje also varies. The forecast is dubious.
In another case of illness 2 to 3 weeks after infection in some dogs come up to the appearance of nerve symptoms that start out as short attacks and convulsions, shaking his head and chewing movements. Later, they can contact the seizures, uncontrolled movements, whining, loss of balance and coordination. Usually dogs that express nerve symptoms do not survive, or if the illness will remain permanent damage to a greater or lesser degree.
There is another form of distemper, which occurs when the virus invades the skin of the nose and mouth, while in these places there is a change similar orožavanju (Hard decrease disease – a disease of hard foot). Therapy – given the complexity of the disease treatment must be entrusted to the vet.
Antibiotics to prevent secondary infection, fluid replacement infusions, correction of acid – base status of body fluids, sedatives and anticonvulsant drugs have proven to be satisfactory in therapy.
The success of treatment depends on the responsiveness of the owner of the first to recognize the symptoms and seek professional help as well as the ability of a dog to respond to a viral infection.
Prevention – Vaccination against distemper should be done in all age groups and dogs must be under the control of a veterinarian.
INFECTIOUS DOGS inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)
Infectious hepatitis is a highly contagious viral disease that affects dogs of all age categories. Primary damage occurs to the liver, kidneys and blood vessels.
Symptoms of the disease vary from latent disease with moderately developed clinical signs of subclinical infection to extremely rapid and fatal death. Sometimes this disease is difficult to distinguish clinically from distemper.
Nekoloki days after infection, the virus multiplies in the body and is excreted in the stool, saliva and urine. At this stage, the disease is most contagious. Transfer to other dogs by direct contact through stool, urine or saliva. Dogs that get through can shed the virus for months and are a significant source of infection.
The most severe forms of the disease occur in puppies during the first months of life, even though they are true dogs of all ages.
In the peracute form that occurs suddenly appears bloody diarrhea, collapse and death. Puppies can die without visible symptoms.
The acute form begins with a high fever, bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite and vomiting. Each run was painful. Belly may be swollen as a result of painful enlargement of the liver. Dogs are sensitive to light (photophobia), and later may develop jaundice, tonsillitis, bleeding dsni. In mild infections dogs can only pokaztai lethargic mood and loss of appetite. In these cases it is necessary blood tests to confirm the diagnosis.
After the occurrence of acute symptoms, about 25% of dogs show characteristic clouding of the eye in one or both eyes. It is so called. blue eye. Some dogs may resolve spontaneously, while in severe cases require veterinary treatment.
Treatment must be under veterinary supervision.
Infectious hepatitis is a disease that can be prevented with regular vaccinations.
                         Parvovirus DOGS
Canine parvovirus is a disease that is among the owners of dogs known as the “Cat’s plague.” This name is incorrect because the disease has nothing to do with cats or dogs the cats carry that many dog ​​owners think.
Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus and survive long in the environment. Widespread among the dog population in the world. The virus has an affinity for the cells of the small intestine, bone marrow and lymphoid cells.
It is possible to infect dogs of all ages but most commonly with visible clinical signs of affected dogs are younger than one year. Dogs younger than six weeks of age suffer less because they protect passively transferred immunity from the mother.
Infection usually occurs by oral route. From the moment of introduction of infectious particles to the onset of clinical symptoms usually takes about five days. Once the virus gets into the body dog, it first enters the thymus, the next day another attack lymph tissue, third and fourth days of infection is in the blood, and between the fourth and seventh day of the attack of intestinal crypt cells.
The clinical picture
The clinical picture usually begins with a persistent and severe vomiting. Dog vomit in the beginning of the food they ate, and then vomit fluid that can be foamed, yellow, yellow-green or whitish. Sometimes the vomit can be seen and traces of blood. Dog becomes very weak and dejected. Shows no appetite. Usually wants to take fluids, primarily water, but as soon as you drink water, the ispovrati. The dog is very depressed, crawl in the dark, hidden places, little or no response to the invitation of the owner. The following symptom that appears, typically next day, and sometimes simultaneously with vomiting, diarrhea is profuse. Initially chair by denser consistency, but it’s getting rarer and rarer, until at last it is completely watery. Watery stool color is maroon because it has blood in it. Dog and difficult to control defecation, and even those animals who have learned where to defecate, I did it in a prohibited area or even in the place where they sleep.
Veterinarian clinical examination establishes that the dog has a high body temperature, in case the dog is brought to the onset of symptoms, normal or subnormal temperature even if the disease is well advanced. The dog was very lethargic, poorly responsive to all stimuli from the environment, and is noticeably dehydrated. The general condition of the dog is drastically worse if it comes to the development of secondary bacterial infection, if the dog is being kept in conditions of poor hygiene, stay in the cold or poorly heated rooms or if infected, and intestinal parasites. It happens to come to a sudden death of dogs, especially if the younger categories parvovirus attacks the heart muscle and lead to the development of myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle).
A veterinarian should be suspected parvovirus infection in every dog ​​he brought with acute diarrhea or vomiting, especially if the dog is under the age of one year. Earlier vaccination and revaccination, and the dog does not necessarily exclude the possibility that the dog was diagnosed with parvovirus. To diagnose it is useful to review the veterinarian dog blood, because on the basis of the results obtained directs its further examination and analysis. On the basis of the examination of blood veterinarian can eliminate other differential diagnoses such as for example, a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract or bacterial infection. Serological diagnosis is the most reliable method for the detection of parvovirus but here there is no way it is applied in everyday practice.
Due mostly unable to detect parvovirus laboratory methods, and because the therapy is similar parvovirus infection and other serious forms of therapy gastroenteritis, veterinarian therapy begins to apply as soon as perform basic clinical examinations. The most important principle in treatment is to prevent dehydration dog. Infusion solutions are given through the vein, preferably several times a day with appropriate therapy suppurating. Based on their experiences and assessments veterinarian will decide whether or not to apply the antibiotic therapy. Making any oral preparations should be avoided 24-48 hours after onset of illness, and in severe cases even three to five days after onset. It happens that in spite of the adequate therapy and treatment of conscientious dog owner dies of a number of possible complications.
Dogs suffering from parvovirus are a dangerous source of infection for other dogs, so they should be kept strictly separate from other dogs. People who come in contact with sick dogs need to ensure that all preventive measures and disinfection when they come into contact with healthy animals. Dog Cancer isolation period should last at least another week full of prezdravljenja ailing dog.
Preventive measures to reduce the regular vaccination of dogs at statutory scheme. The first vaccine is given to puppies between 6-8 weeks of age, revaccination is done after 3-4 weeks, and the third vaccination is given 4 weeks after the previous vaccination. The most commonly parvovirus vaccine given in combination with vaccines against several common canine diseases. It is recommended that given to pregnant bitches inactivated vaccine against parvoviral infection about 45 day of pregnancy to the mother of the pups, through passive immunity, conveyed care. Dog owners should be aware that the first vaccine is not a sufficient protection against parvovirus infection, so that the puppy should be kept in isolation from other dogs until you receive and revakcinu and it goes from 7-10 days.
                     CORONA viral infection
Corona virus infection is a disease of dogs which are subject to various starostnih categories, but the most affected puppies. Corona virus is widespread among dog populations around the world, similar to parvovirus, but compared to the less lethal parvovirus.
Clinical signs of corona virus infections range from very mild, and symptoms and imperceptible, to very serious symptoms of major events whose very vomiting and diarrhea. In dogs with corona virus infections do not generally come to elevated body temperature. See ailing dog varies in shape and color and can be yellowish-orange, or reddish blood-stained.The. By consistency can be mushy and watery completely, as with a lot of mucus.
The vet can ask suspicion of corona virus infection in all dogs that suffer from sudden acute diarrhea and vomiting, especially if more than one dog at the same time afektovano. Provides important data and vaccination status of dogs as well as some of the associated clinical manifestations. Unlike parvovirus infection, the corona virus infections rarely occur at the beginning of the increase in body temperature, it rarely occurs and severe leukopenia (decrease in white blood cells in the blood) is one of the symptoms of parvovirus infection, also rarely rise to a greater amount of blood in vomit and stool is often the parvovirus. However, very often a mixed infection with the dog parvo and corona virus, and according to data by the U.S. even in 25% of cases. Mixed infection gives a very severe clinical symptoms and is usually fatal to the patient dog.
To make the correct diagnosis, lab examinations are necessary in our environment that are often not possible, and should be designated time for their performance, so it’s essential to start appropriate therapy only when setting sumunje the corona virus infection. Fortunately, corona virus infection is usually not fatal and requires only a suppurating therapy, and laboratory diagnosis is essential for successful treatment.
Therapy corona virus infection in the first place based on fluid replacement by infusion solutions, as well as teapiji means to stop diarrhea. Most affected dogs are given proper treatment quickly restored. The deaths of the corona virus infections are rare but possible, especially in puppies.
As a prophylactic measure against corona virus infection is vaccination of dogs. However, since it is assumed that there are several strains of corona virus, and because the corona virus infection is usually not lethal, vaccination is recommended for those dogs that are exposed to a lot of contact with other dogs, such as dogs that live in or boarding kennel for dogs or dogs that are commonly performed on the dog show.
Rotavirus infections in dogs
Rotavirus infections in young children, especially babies, are one of the most common causes of diarrhea and can be fatal. In dogs diarrhea caused by rotavirus are far less dangerous and are usually self-limiting. Commonly infect newborn puppies. The main symptom of the disease is diarrhea, which may be watery or slimy. Diarrhea usually lasts a short time and goes without any consequences to the health and progress of puppies. Described are cases of death of pups Rotavirus infection but they are extremely rare and are usually associated with poor housing conditions and care of the puppies. Most adult dogs carry antibodies against Rotavirus infection because they are in their life have come into contact with the virus, but the disease was passed with no symptoms or the symptoms were very mild. This is why most puppies being protected from Rotavirus infection through passive imuniteteta (immunities from mother to offspring transfer).
Therapy rotavirusnih infection is the same as the treatment of other acute diarrhea, sick dog means to replace lost fluids and strict attention to the diet and the type of foods that the diet of the patient using a dog. Most affected dogs are very recovering quickly. There is still no vaccine against Rotavirus infections in dogs, and the question is whether it is necessary vakciniti dogs against this disease.
Rabies (Rabies, Lyss)
Rabies is a fatal disease of domestic and wild warm-blooded animals and humans. There is no effective cure for the disease.
In this region, the main source of rabies are foxes, wolves, and occasionally other way dilvlje životinje.NajÄešći infections of humans and dogs during the hunt, and in the areas that are near the habitat of these wild animals. Man is infected by the saliva of the sick animals, a main link in the transmission of rabies to humans are unvaccinated dogs and cats. In principle, any party or wild animal that allows unobstructed access not acting normal, you need to be careful.
Rabies virus, which is found in saliva, usually enters the body through the bite wound or through an open wound that gets the saliva.
The incubation period varies between 3 and 8 weeks, but may be in a period of 7 days and up to 1 year. Entry of the virus (snap) to the brain and nerves travel through the bite of a place away from the central nervous system to the long incubation period. After that, the virus travels back through the nerves of the mouth where the saliva secreted through.
Rabies symptoms are the result of inflammation of the brain. The first signs are in the form of changed behavior – aggression, delays in dark spaces, with the subsequent development of other nerve disorders. Fever, vomiting and diarrhea can also occur. Once developed symptoms of rabies are fatal for the afflicted individual.
The only way to fight this deadly disease is a timely and regular vaccinations. Dogs are vaccinated at age 3 – 4 months and depending on the vaccine used revakciniÅ¡u for 1-3 years. Dogs by law to be vaccinated against rabies.
Any dog ​​that bites a person must be under the supervision of a veterinarian, and 14 days after that to decide on the fate of njegovojn.
People who die from dog bites should seek medical attention and to require the owner of a dog that attacked them a vaccination certificate. Further treatment will depend greatly on the dog hits. Basic protection against rabies vaccination of dogs. Regularly vaccinated animals can become ill with rabies or transmitted the infection to anyone else.
This disease is caused by a spirochete bacteria of the genus. This disease may infect other wild and domestic animals and man in humans this disease is called Will’s disease. The disease is spread through the urine of infected animals, and one of the main reservoirs are rodents (rats). Infection occurs in the dog, or the entry of pathogens through the skin or through the mouth of an infected water or food contaminated with infected urine.
Signs appear in the form of fever, apathy, loss of appetite and depression. Most affected are the kidneys. There can also be bleeding by the visible mucous membranes, and jaundice. Often the vomiting and diarrhea.
Diagnosis is based on clinical examination and can be confirmed in the laboratory.
Antibiotic combinations are effective in treatment. Supportive therapy as a control surface with vomiting and diarrhea and fluid replacement. Some dogs may cause chronic kidney damage. Preventive measures, vaccination is one which is conducted annually.
Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a symptom of gastrointestinal tract or a systemic disease with which the owners of animals commonly encountered. Diarrhea can occur in a number of different diseases of small animals, but is most common in diseases of the intestines and colon.
Diarrhea is defined as an increase in the amount of water in the feces and fecal volume accompanied by accelerating intestinal movement.
In this and the next few issues “Call” will deal with the problem of diarrheal disease in the thin intestine.
The basic division of diarrhea thin hose on the basis of their duration into acute and chronic.
Acute diarrhea can be caused by: improper diet or intolerance to any of the animal feed component, intestinal parasites, toxins, intestinal infectious diseases such as parvovirus, salmonellosis, corona virus infection, systemic infectious diseases such as distemper, leptospirosis, metabolic diseases such as uremia, hypofunction of the adrenal glands, as well as acute diarrhea of ​​unknown etiology.
Chronic diarrhea may be caused by: intestinal parasitic infestation, partial bowel obstruction, systemic diseases such as liver, pancreas or adrenal hypofunction, as well as chronic diarrhea of ​​unknown etiology.
It is important to determine the exact cause of diarrhea, and in order to cause as soon as discovered, it is necessary that the owner pays attention to all the phenomena which accompany his pet diarrhea, and vet accurate and detailed answers to all questions related to housing and feeding dog / cat. It is important to consider the following:
duration of diarrhea – diarrhea may last for several days, but may take several months or even years, and therefore it is important to emphasize when it first appeared. It is also important to know whether it is permanent or diarrhea occurs occasionally.
diet – an eating disorder are the most common cause of diarrhea in dogs and cats. Many owners do not know which foods to avoid eating dogs or cats and the best intentions create serious problems for your pet. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly vet told the owner to feed your dog or cat and do not skip a single detail thinking that does not matter.
appetite – appetite for information about the patient often help to correctly classify diarrhea. Especially need to pay attention to the dog or cat have a perverse appetite, or if they had a normal appetite noticeably thin.
look feces – should be addressed, what is the consistency of feces, is totally liquid or mushy, whether it has the remains of food, intestinal parasites, blood and mucus. . .
existence of gas – increased release of gas from the intestine usually indicates a disturbance in the absorption of food. The gas is released in the intestine during neresorptivnih bacterial degradation of carbohydrates in the colon. It is known that when present in animal feed soybeans, releasing gases significantly. Needs to be known that the release of gases brahiocefaliÄnih dogs normal for e-Aerophagia (swallowing air)
frequency of defecation – this is an important fact upon which most vet can evaluate whether a patient comes to problems with thin or large intestine.
vomiting – is the most common symptom of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract of cats. Vomiting may occur in diseases of the intestines and bowel, and in many systemic diseases.
tenezmusi – tenezmusi is defined as excessive straining during defecation. Information about their existence or absence of a veterinarian give useful information in evaluating whether to issue process on thin or large intestine.
weight loss – this is not a specific symptom of bowel disease, but with other symptoms provides data that are essential for a definitive diagnosis.
environment – animal contact with animals that have diarrhea or suspected of being infected with intestinal parasites is important information in the diagnosis. Working dogs that are subjected to strict and intensive exercise are predisposed to stress the occurrence of diarrhea. This type of diarrhea is characterized by replacement of normal chairs with frequent diarrhea. Diarrhea is very common in kittens during weaning and environmental change.
race – should be emphasized that no disease followed by diarrhea is not specific to just one race. There is a racial predisposition to certain diseases, so that German Shepherds appear inclined pancreatic insufficiency, a Great Dane and boxers are inclined to diarrhea caused by stress.
                 Puberty in dogs
Young dog during its development goes through various physical and psychological changes, as well as a young man. One of these changes is the development and puberty, which makes the owner of the same concerns as parents and children in their teens. Puberty in the dog begins around the fifth month of life … and takes an average to navrÅ¡enog ninth or tenth month. Concomitants of puberty are
disobedience, stubbornness, and desire for independence.
If he does not at this time pay enough attention, got out of pubereta dog is stubborn and rebellious. Therefore, the right dog training starts in the period between the tenth and eighteenth month of life. If it starts with education at a later age, there is a poloviÄnog performance.
Puberty and sexual maturity in females occurs from 6 to 24 months, depending primarily on the race, while in males occurs at 6 months of age, although males have a 4 month old show interest in their peers, which is only “mentally” instinct as a puppy at this age is not sexually mature for fertilization.
Mating females is recommended after 14 months of age, and males at 18 months of age.
           Anyone who walks? Or how to properly walk your dog
 Walking the dog is a skill that dog owners who spend time with their four-legged pets outside must master. Connoisseur of psychology and dog trainer Tamara Geller presented to us a few basic rules that will help dog owners to successfully control your pet outdoors.
We all certainly noticed the dogs pulling their owners along the street, desperately trying to get their favorite shrub, tree or bench to read a p-mail Stren left by other dogs – and of course, leave your message! If you are the owner of one of the dogs that have their own goals and targets of the walk, you are no doubt frustrated and exhausted by such behavior, and horrified at the daily walks.
Walking a dog is not just a way to satisfy their physiological needs. In addition, it can be a great exercise for both of us, walk your dog and is a fantastic way of establishing and improving your odonosa. Following these simple steps, you and your dog can enjoy a safe, courteous and above all, fun walks every day.
Eliminate davilice – both barbed and plain. I believe that dogs make cause pain, such as davilice, non-training your dog. Using a dog painful tactics taught to be afraid of our being hurt more than it strengthens your relationship with your dog. There are better and more effective ways to communicate with your dog. We want our dog walk equally alongside us, because clearly defined boundaries, praise and reward the desired behavior correctly.
Davilica Instead, use plain, flat collar and follow this method to stress and pain taught your dog to walk with you, while creating a deeper connection between you.
Do you walk with a positive experience for your dog. Screaming “do not pull” or “stop” just does not work and certainly not fun. Instead, occasionally reward your dog with a cookie while you walk, while encouraging his behavior by “the leg.” Do not use the phrase “good dog” – your dog does not have a clue what it’s done well, so it can not be that ponoviti.Umesto , define the correct behavior of the appointment and rewarding at the same time.
When you teach your dog to walk beside you constantly, you can start to give him “Jackpot” – randomly give him a quick batch of cookies 5-6-7, one after the other. Always this can turn into dinner walks, while walking with feeding properly with you. You can also bring his favorite toy for a walk to the park: its reward in walking, when you arrive, you will be playing with the favorite toys.
Keep the same length of a leash at all times. To prevent your dog pulls, you must learn that there is a certain length of leash available and you control the length. It is wrong to use a flexi leash in the learning stage, giving him a longer leash whenever he wants to. Save flexi leash for walks, once your dog learns to walk right next to you and you do not pull down the street.
When you hold the leash with one hand, your dog is easy to pull forcing you to stretch or move my hand. It is important that you both hands free, and use them to set the body in the correct position while your dog pulls. In the learning phase, you can use a belt to walk, you are going to attach your dog leash, to provide constant resistance to his drawing.
While your dog to walk properly down the street with you, remember to repeat the phrase “the leg” to encourage njegoo behavior.
Keep it in the same place as your dog pulls. When your dog starts to pull the leash, stop, dig your feet, lower your center of gravity and hold it in place like a sumo wrestler. The dog must learn that the tour (what they want) to continue (his reward) if not pulling the leash and you. If your dog pulls the leash so seriously that you can not keep in place, start to walk along the fence to be able to grab it when you step.
Keep walking until the dog stops pulling leash. As soon as you step down – even just slightly – slightly yielding a leash, keep on walking to the phrase “let’s go” or whatever. Again The moment you start to tighten the leash, you stop, continuing only when you pull back and discounts leash.
Constantly talk to your dog and compliment him while walking along. This is a great way to keep it in line with you and your pace. Just like a child, if you do not pay attention to your dog, you are sending the message that he is himself and he can do whatever he wants. And when you ignore your dog while walking properly, and give undue attention to him only when you walk improperly and pulling the leash, the dog will be inclined to continue the unwanted behavior to notice it. So stay focused on your dog during walks and talking mobile phone aside for another time.
Most dogs will respond very quickly to this method, and you’ll soon realize that if you and everyone else (do not forget the rest of the family and dog walkers) persist in this method of walking, you will soon look forward to entertaining walks with your dog.
                           Prejudices about dogs
 One of the major problems in communicating with dogs (and the people) is that most have no idea what a dog is thinking, but believes that he is halfway to turning into a man, and that we’re helping to get it easier to adapt to people, so who knows, maybe one day I will speak!
That’s why you should once and for all accept that the dog does not want to be a man. Whether it is in his genes, or over several thousand years, the people watching, I realized that it was better to keep the dog, it will remain an enigma. He is still a dog who thinks the same way as when he joined the man, and it should be respected.
In the pack
In the same plane and the old prejudice that ‘skitara’ rather be outside all day, but that was shut in! Wrong. The dog is very attached to their pack. He prefers to be with his pack than anything else. If you are outside, and he would get out. If you entered the house, he finds his place in the house, next to you again. Even, he would gladly with you to work, but it is usually not possible. In this case, it is important that the dog in the house or outside.
If Easterly dog ​​out, which is nice in acting, it may be outside barking, digging and whining, and you wonder why? Because the house was headquarters, den, pack the shelter, call it what you will. Dogs love to be near the source of the smell of the pack. While some dogs are happy to spend time outdoors, while the rest of the pack on the job, most of them have trouble to understand and accept the “release” of the “holes”.
It is possible that a dog who has access to a wider territory has a need to defend it, you can create a new kind of problem: the wildly barking at intruders, etc.. Shortening the territory that dog “guards” can reduce the occurrence of this behavior.
Compromise would be to allow the dog access a limited part of the house and yard. On the one hand, he does not feel that he was dismissed from the holes, and on the other, is not burdened with a large surface area that must be defended. Dog who does not believe in you, and that makes a mess out there, probably as a little outside the box (cage) more than it should.
With most dogs, puppies as if they were in a box (which helps in accepting the house rules) until adulthood (from 8 to 24 months of age, depending on breed) you can begin to potty train. Such dogs, who are used to spending time in the box still, and who are thus made it a habit, he would later spend time peacefully regardless of whether or not they are in boxing.
In the countryside
For the life of the village there is a bias to the ideal of canine life. But is it so? Dogs that are allowed to move freely, easily hurt by other hunters or farmers who are not quite so benevolent for free – other people’s dogs, especially if they are ‘hanging’ around the farm or cattle. “Free” dogs can fight for territory with other dogs. They can kill animals to fight or be injured in a fight with a wild animal, or that they get a disease, or getting hit by a car on the road. In addition, if the pursuit of becoming more aggressive to them a larger range of their territory. With longer retention outside the control limits, will decrease their attachment to you as the pack leader. And do not forget to be annulled and the healthy animals to breed uncontrollably and make wandering around everywhere.
So many people make mistakes when you let the animals out of the city somewhere in the village, lying to themselves that dog will surely be better there. And … if you want any of iznerviranih peasants not to kill or poison, if a pack of dogs, or the individual does not hurt in the fight so that he can not heal, or if you simply do not die of hunger. So, do not deceive yourselves, village life is not the ideal dog.
Without malice
It should be clarified and another dilemma, whether the dog is angry when the man makes all sorts of shenanigans. Firstly, there is an undesirable behavior from the perspective of a man, and not from the perspective of a dog. For him, it is quite normal to dig, bark, chase cats, run the wheels of cars, it should be in the garbage, and the like. This does not mean that we should not control this behavior, but it would do the dog whenever he is given a chance, if you do not learn anything else.
When a dog does something we do not like, it’s not enough to just punish him. It is necessary to understand the causes of this behavior. Frequently it comes to the long loneliness frustration, because the dogs are not loners, or wolves, even though they beat the voice. These associations are animals – pack that meets all their needs and that they fight to the death. If such animals leave very long, and even related, you can not even imagine the damage that this will cause. In order to avoid this, it is advisable to take the dog for a walk regularly and to devote the same time it felt to belong to the pack that you are making. So, do not litter the dog malice, the reasons are much deeper still.
There are quite owners who say I know that my dog ​​did something, when you have the ‘look guilty. ” He has no idea that he did something wrong. He only knows that he is based on your body language does not write well. Consider yourself, you came home and saw the spill cart for trash and garbage strewn around. At the moment of adrenaline wash over you and you are ready to explode, and the dog is feeling reading your new scent. He does not know what it is, but since you are ‘alpha male’, reasoning that it is best to assemble and demonstrate total subjugation. Approach to avoiding eye contact, crawling, turning on his back, exposing his stomach like a total surrender. Seeing this, you assume that he is conscious of guilt, and he’s just scared and has no idea what’s going on, just know that it is better to show your loyalty and affection when you are angry. It is important to know that if your dog does not understand the sources of anger and can not predict them, because I do not know what causes them, you cease to believe, because it is pointless and behave unpredictably.
Therefore, it is important to grasp the dog at the time he made a mistake, then, to be able to explain to him the thing he should not do. Otherwise, you are yelling after a while, the dog is confusing, because he does not understand the language of the people and was not clear what that noise when he sits quietly and even provides you with a complete proof of loyalty and devotion. So the dog waste authority. And in fact, you should explain to him what was wrong and, just at the time when he did it. Of course, whenever possible, to explain to him what it is he has to do, because after all, you’re smarter than he is.
If you work in advance and prevent a bad behavior and praising the calm tone, the effect will be compared to the noise will be much faster, and the dog will be more like it, because your positive attention is focused on him. It would be best if the dog does not yell and do not make the play. Try, instead, to understand what the dog is doing and why, and then based on that judge how to react.
Cage is not bugaboo
It is not true that dogs do not like cages and to avoid them. The dog was used in the countryside live in burrows. It was his place of peace, security and relaxation. The secret is to use correctly. Specifically, it should be used as a place to rest after a meal or a place to sleep. Puppy must not leave more than a few hours because it will probably end in his physiological needs, and not what it wants. For education in the home that’s right, and for leaving your dog when you are at home, at least until you gain confidence in it. This is not seen as cruel as it is much better to prevent the development of unhealthy habits, considering the fact that we will not be present when the damage occurs, and any subsequent punishment can cause more serious problems. The fact that they are in a cage, the less the territory to be defended, and the possibility of lower stress.
Another positive thing is getting used to a dog cage during the car ride, because you can never be one hundred percent sure how the dog will react in a situation, and in this way protect him and myself.
                   Fake pregnant (pseudograviditet)
 A common problem is the owner of the bitch exhibits false pregnancy – pseudograviditet. Often times the height of the season Exhibit bitch relax udder. The current exterior flaw of some judges and penalizing the cause of the lower rank females. False Pregnancy is particularly noticeable among short bitch, because they are easy to spot on every change.
Pseudograviditet not a disease, but before it can be characterized as a state of non-pregnant females, in which she is showing signs of pregnancy and the imminent birth. It can occur in paired bitches have not been left pregnant. This phenomenon occurs 6-12 weeks after estrus, and most notably the period characterized by the length of pregnancy – at the time of the expected birth. Particularly problematic bitches where this condition occurs repeatedly during sexual life.
Pseudograviditet disorders resulting from hormonal regulation. This phenomenon occurs with a decrease in progesterone levels and activation of prolactin – a hormone essential for lactation. It leads to the filling of the udder and milk production, and also cause changes in the behavior of females that occurs mothering skills. Bitch at all behaving as if pregnant: much calmer, it tends to gain weight, praavi “nests”, attracts toys in it, and my appetite is enhanced. Coming to increase milk production and udder, and just before the alleged birth bitch is upset, whine, and can occur mucous discharge from the vagina.
If the owner is not sure if the bitch really pregnant or is it a false pregnancy, to take her to the veterinarian. Ultrasound is a useful method that can determine the absence of the fetus.
In general it is considered that this is a physiological phenomenon and in most cases do not need veterinary intervention. What the owner can do when it detects the previously described phenomenon is that, first of all, reduce the amount of food. Food should not be much liquid, but easily digestible and without a lot of fat. It also needs to step up physical activity bitches. If the owner notices that there is udder lowering therapy can be applied products based on iodine. Udder is smeared with iodine, thereby avoiding compulsory lubrication nipples because the massaging their milk production further strengthened. Stimulation of the udder, especially the nipples, licking of a bitch should be prevented. Be sure to reinforce the hygiene of the entire space in which it resides.
By English author A.P. Davidson and E.C. Feldman slightly withholding water, 6-10 hours (preferably at night) may be useful. If the symptoms are more prevalent should seek the help of experts. Therapy is directly aimed at reducing or eliminating lactation, because as a result of retention of milk in the udder mastitis can occur way, ie. inflammation of the udder. They can be used in some products based on human medicine ergot causing interruption of milk secretion. According to these authors, low-dose diuretics, ie. means for ejecting liquid, can assist in filling udder milk. For psychological and extreme changes in behavior of females can help by giving her a mild sedative, but with mandatory veterinary advice.
Hormone therapy is not recommended because of the possible re-emergence of false pregnancy, as well as the occurrence of virilization hammered, that involves answering some traits of males. As a final solution bitch may undergo surgical therapy, ie. removal of the uterus and ovaries.
                  10 golden rules
In cynology, formulated in breeding ten “commandments” and the full respect of complex laws of inheritance, which has so far discovered genetics.
First You should never connect individuals with the same flaws. Dog and bitch with the same defect, either exterior, the nature of the work or, in most cases, is transmitted to the offspring, so some notable descendants, while others concealed, but is transferred to the next generation.
Second Disadvantages can not be corrected opposite qualities, but only the characteristics described in the standard. This simple rule is, paradoxically, many breeders do not understand. Most realize that, for example, does not correct undershot undershot mouth in order to get a scissor bite, even entropium ektropiumom. However, when it comes to other features, such as height, a large number of breeders for its extremely low bitch dog looking at the upper limit of the standard instead of the “golden” middle, fastened with a genetic standard height. Crossing extremely high niskih.i individuals, through a number of generations, can lead to an extreme, it is one of the offspring of the mother is low and the other high in the father. Ultimately, it comes to a few varieties of height, as is the case with the dwarf, medium and The big Schnauzer.
3rd A puppy is first born in the paper. Thoughtful ancestral breeding relies upon simple rules and that based on the wealth of information provided by the pedigree, breeding a dog that prefers fewer titles, but comes from quality ancestors, but many of the crowned champion titles, which is a descendant of ancestor average. Such, “sudden” champions of otherwise average pedigree, mainly in the cultivation of bringing disappointment, since we do not pass on their traits to offspring.
4th Nature can not be fooled veterinary advances. Any intervention that is done to conceal disqualifying defect, although at shows goes unheeded, he returned to farming as a boomerang. A good example is kriptorhidija or testicles that do not descend to their place, which is a disqualifying flaw in all races. dogs. In some cases, it can be corrected by hormone therapy or surgery, but these dogs is transmitted to the offspring – the part of the offspring appears, and is part of the spread further.
5th Working dog is found on the exam innate traits. Inherit only predisposition for work, rather than knowledge acquired during the training. Known fact is that skilled labor kinologų succeeding in exams draw great results from average or bad dog, while inexperienced and ignorant owners can ruin the dogs with the best working properties.
6th You need to be careful with inbreed-TV. If you look at the world’s most successful pedigree dogs, it is clear that inbreed method that brings success, but only experienced and educated breeders. The dog in which an inbreed not only can not have flaws, but it must be verified that it is not a carrier. Otherwise, the flaws will be fixed and only intensified. So the breeders who do not have sufficient knowledge and experience, even a slight inbreed (three to four free generation) brings a bitter disappointment.
7th Do not be afraid of the old, but be careful with young dogs. This principle, which is the breeding of horses for three centuries been used successfully, kinologija often ignored. In older studs, but they checked and first and second generation, and we know what has predisposed offspring. Young dogs should be used with caution in breeding until about five years, unless it is clear what transmitted to the offspring.
8th If the litter is an exceptional puppy – well, two – great, three – perfect. Growers often want to find a “partner” with whom to their dog or bitch give champion litter. Epithet This is common in small ads here. If all of these litters champion really grown champions, our kinologija would be the most powerful in the world. Goal of growing is that the offspring will be better or at least as good as the parents. therefore be considered an exceptional three puppies in an average litter of six means that the ideal combination of parent and should be repeated.
9th Good genotype is not a guarantee of good phenotype. Simply put, the phenotype is what is seen on the dog, as a consequence of inherited traits and conditions under which they evolved. Genotype is a matrix that is inherited from parents, but these features are presented depending on the growing conditions in the dog. A good example is hip dysplasia, which is the dogs that is inherited, if they were held, fed, cared for and loaded down properly, exerts a much lesser degree.
10th Dog is not to blame for the failures of the breeders. Each of the world’s top breeders can talk for hours about how its performance, as well as failures. And with great knowledge and respect for these simple “commands” nature knows how to play around, and suddenly appears a recessive hereditary defect that has been hidden for generations. An example is, let’s say, colorful chow chow (Disqualify), perfect in all but color, born in England known kennel, the parents either before or after him in nothing but a monochrome seed
              Barking dogs – the problem and how to solve it?
Dogs bark for various reasons. People find it disturbing and annoying barking, and barking dogs to normal communication mode.
We distinguish different ways of barking: barking guard dog, barking because of the demands, for fear of barking, barking out of boredom.
Barking guard dog …
Dogs in the yard or on a chain, consider that it is their duty to notify you when a stranger enters your yard or house. Do not try to train her out of the guard dog barking, but teach him to bark once. Practise what’s behind the door and knock on it. After the first bark, pleasant tone of voice say “good,” and then give him some food as a reward. Repeat until the dog does not understand this game. Could not force the dog.
Barking by the request
Dogs often bark when they want something. It is very important that you do not meet them until they stop barking. It is best to ignore this kind of barking and reward them after it is barking, as time would become more razmaženiji.
Barking out of fear
This type of barking is the only from uncertainty and fear. The most common reason for this is that the barking dog is not used to socializing with other dogs. Therefore it is necessary that the dog does not understand that he is in danger of dogs. Let him contact with friendly and playful dogs. The dog over this process requires more time.
Barking out of boredom
This type of barking occurs when the dog has been neglected by the family or owner. You need to give your dog as much love and attention as you can. If this barking continues, perhaps they could consider the purchase of another pet.
             How to teach your dog Where To cellmates?
 Have you had similar problems but I believe that this will help!
The rocks should never be separated from their mother until at least 8-week life of me. During that time, they will learn many things from it, so it will at least learn the basics first hygiene.
When you download the rocks, it should already be quite accustomed to NUZDA not done anywhere but outside or in a particular place at home (mostly somewhere in the newspaper in the bathroom or on the balcony). But apart from that, little puppy is very often happens “accident”. Never forget that it is only a few months and that it is actually a very small baby. It can not tolerate!
Initially rocks eats 4-5 times a day, because his stomach is not sufficiently developed to accommodate large quantities of food. Be sure to bring out outside the house (or take it to a place that you have set for it) early in the morning, as soon as you get up. Repeat every 2 hours – mandatory after every meal. Take a walk until the rocks do not need, and to do it out loud praise and reward his favorite treat. Baby will then begin to associate it with something good – ie: pee outside, get a treat. It will not be long, and your puppy will have you been waiting at the door when he pees. Follow this! The fewer times the puppy accidents happen in the home, it will be easier to learn where to be cellmates!
NEVER, ever punish not pushing rock I will wear in his urine or feces. What she could not understand why you do it and nothing good time to be gained. If you catch him in the act, exclaiming loudly or FUJ and take it and take it to a designated place. In this case you can gently shake him by the neck. It will get pootrebnu message, do not worry! If you discover after the accident, does not punish rocks. It has long since forgotten what happened and it will not really achieve anything. To be patient and everything will go well.
Rinse the accident to remove the odor, the puppy would send them back to that place, and you wet the paper in it, take it to an authorized emergency.
To help, in my not so necessary, but to bring it up, you can use special drops that soaked newspapers in a place where you want to rock out to eliminate. Then leave it there to muzzle a little and that’s it.
If by chance you happen to have learned to override the rock done in a certain place in the house, so it does not want to do that if you’re out, a walk, then do the following:
Take along a piece of paper out there. Put him somewhere where you want to rock out to eliminate. It will do that on paper, just as the learned. Decrease the size of the paper and each time NAHVALITE GOOD AND AWARDS puppy, until you no longer even need.
                      Staying at home
Discomfort caused by separation from the owner is a very common problem among dogs is usually manifested whimper, prolonged barking, scratching and chewing and other forms pojaÄene activities. If the separation continues, the dog is hyperactive phase moves to phase depression with loss of appetite and interest in the environment and in severe cases can stay at the guest house to get to anorexia.
Discomfort caused by separation from the owner is a very common problem among dogs is usually manifested whimper, prolonged barking, scratching and chewing and other forms pojaÄene activities. If the separation continues, the dog is hyperactive phase moves to phase depression with loss of appetite and interest in the environment and in severe cases can stay at the guest house to get to anorexia.
Dr. Victoria Volth, an expert in animal behavior disorders and lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Pennsylvania is considered to be abandoned dogs behave like children, separated from their parents, with all their actions in fact an attempt to draw attention to themselves, and so they called the owner back. This type of stress can affect any dog ​​but is most often found in animals that have already changed owners and is now living in fear of the new and not lose. Dogs that have not had such a traumatic experience have greater emotional security, and although they can be found in a state of stress if something in their lives suddenly pro-me (moving, going to the board, after the separation of a holiday together).
Dr. Volth, after experiments performed on 60 dogs, in cooperation with their owners, came to the conclusion that the animals jadini way of learning to deal with usamgenošću without emotional crisis – gradually getting used to the owner’s absence should start with short outings that are systematically stretch, and when it gets to the time of one hour, which carried by a dog, I probably will not behave, and if you extend the solitude of the day. The most important | e allow the animal to feel comfortable, so as not to be bored and to make sure that the owner will come back by and after he left the house to stay familiar atmosphere (the radio can be a great help). But while all of this does not implement the inevitable side effects of loneliness are the dog barking and chewing things that should be seen as separate issues.
Bark emerges like way of communication among dogs and can be characterized as a perfectly natural form of behavior. There are major differences between the warning, threatening, welcoming, happy, one that calls for playing, barking frightened and defensive, and all are quite normal and acceptable ways of expression.
Not acceptable – uncontrolled barking, which is too loud and too long. What to avoid in the absence of the owner, it is necessary, above, to teach the dog to shut up in the owner’s presence, which is not difficult if we take into account that the only cause of the dog’s inability to learn something nedodstatak consistency and firmness of one who teaches him.
Usually the command “Enough” followed by a sudden jerk dovojna collar to stop barking, except for persistent and less osetjivth dogs. Then it is necessary to catch them with both hands behind your head, look them in the eye, repeat the command, and let them shake. Perhaps this seem harsh, but studies of famous French cynologists Yves de Brasay show that is exactly how a mother bringing up puppies. bitch expressed dissatisfaction offspring by him up to the skin of the neck and shook him or or cast aside.
This type of behavior correction has a very strong effect on the adult dog just because it reminds him of the time of submission puppy. After several of these exercises will be enough that the dog hears the command “Enough” and then hear the same porch. Then may start quitting barking in solitude, by the owner, who allegedly gone to stay close. Starts barking as soon as the command starts with ” Enough. ” Each average intelligent dog will quickly understand what was being asked and learned that his; odboluje loneliness in silence. However, it is likely that energy will be directed to the silent destructive actions …
Biting things
Like barking, biting is part of the natural behavior of each dog. They explore their surroundings mouth The same way a man does this hand. Since the destructive nibbling mainly takes place while the owner was not at home, it is impossible to catch the dog in the act, or prevent him to start. After nekg time snacking becomes mandatory form of behavior when the dog is nervous lonely or bored.
Lonely dog, left in a dull environment starts to bite out of boredom. To make a habit of it needs to meet certain requirements. First, it must be ensured that the space will be only his. All dogs love to have their holes – some that desire to keep order for you. Research ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) published in the newsletter titled “A Pet Owner’s Guide to the Grate” saying that the ideal modern lair of the dog – wicker basket or cage of wire protected and secure. Here it should be place whenever we are not able to monitor him and throw him a few items that must nibbles such as artificial or real bones. these facilities dog becomes much more interesting when you work on them, but in its original form and therefore are able to hold his attention for hours old. towels and shoes are not acceptable because the toy dog ​​is not able to distinguish them from new so it should not distract the mixing of prohibited and which dozvoljenlh stvari.u
When preparing to leave the house and leave the dog toys in his cage, briefly say hello and leave. This should be done approximately two weeks’ and trying to keep the dog at no time is left unattended to roam freely and not to be an opportunity for destructive chewing. At the beginning of the third week we leave the cage door open and come back in about twenty minutes. Potential means of destruction the furniture make it clear that the dog does not bite because of loneliness and boredom, but because I was worried and nervous because of the owner’s absence.
Worried and nervous dog suffers from feelings of social isolation, unsafe and scared. And here is the cage appears as an important aid, as a place where the animals feel safe and happy. Toy to chew on leave prior to protrijati between your palms to keep it on our scent. Excellent results have been achieved with veÅ¡taÄklm bones that smell like meat and then where the owner left his scent.
After two weeks, we can leave the cage door open and get out for a short time. If upon returning find ourselves broken, leaving time to be shortened until we can get back before the destruction, when a dog should be praised, and gradually extended outings. This method is a little patience will surely yield results.
Every owner of a new dog can expect a certain amount of destruction dictated by curiosity and an attempt of adaptation to an unfamiliar environment. The solution here lies in getting to know a dog with items that may and may bite. If the relationship between man and animal rights, redresure results will follow.
                      Mutual hostility
Do you need to take risks and allow the dogs to be closer to each other during a chance meeting? As a mother too watch their child and it takes away part of the independence and security, and individual owners are too afraid for their pet and make the same mistake. Who wants to spare your pet of all the unpleasant experiences for fear that it might harm him or another dog, makes him insecure. The ultimate effect of all the aggressiveness
How a dog creates a picture in your head the enemy?
When the two meet while walking the dog and rushed toward each other, if one of the owners feared for her dog’s aggressive behavior isprovociraće the other dog. Man’s excitement and capturing the dog, every time you make a second asociraće future in mind this dog picture of the enemy. So the owner of their unfounded fears unconsciously train your dog to behave aggressively when he saw another dog. Dog becomes aggressive, often in the presence of its owner, otherwise as soon as you walk by another person – he does not make trouble. Only if you let the dog itself, may, meeting other dog and something to learn. Dogs who often meet with other dogs, act confident.
The main cause of the attack: the fear of the owner
It is normal that sometimes afraid to make a big dog could hurt our small dog or vice versa. But we fear that we should not show and should stay calm and relaxed, because dogs easily feel the change our moods. They are good – transmitters, but also good – Receivers -. Communication in a pack of wolves is based on the transfer of moods. Who is not willing to take risks when meeting her little dog with another dog, they should not keep a dog. Most of these are the people who know little about dog behavior and therefore have little confidence in his ability to be able to be sociable. But often, it’s about people who are not involved enough with their dog. So create nevaspitanog dog whose disobedience trying to cope with high volumes commands. A dogs feel insecure of their owners and it makes them nervous and aggressive. But dogs are not killers. If you are not completely corrupt man, the attack will pass without harm. The most important thing is that the man does not interfere. We should wait and not to approach dogs while they are introduced and measured.
What to do at-risk-one meeting?
– To preserve the peace and be at a distance
– Have confidence in conviviality dog
– Two males that are dominant behavior make or not to come near them
– When sniffed and start attacking each other, wait a rule are separated after a little nudge
– We should never forget that our fear and our excitement is transferred to our dog and makes it more aggressive than it would be without our interference.
If you stick to these rules, you’ll prevent our dog, initially normal behavior, develop an aggressive reaction when meeting other dogs.
How many enzymes are in fact essential, says that life without them is impossible. There are two types of enzymes which are: digestive and metabolic. Raw food is full of enzymes that are destroyed by cooking. A literal translation would mean only natural food (complete landings) would be ideal.
So digestive enzymes alter the chemical structure of the food so that it can enter the cell. Lipase is an enzyme to digest fats, amylase helps change carbohydrates (grains) into simple sugars, proteins, proteases converted into amino acids, and lactase is responsible for dairy products. Hundreds of metabolic enzymes assist in the conversion of food into the building composition of muscle, bone, nerves and glands. Enzymes also help the kidneys, lungs, liver, skin and colon in its elimination of toxins. The pancreas is the largest factory dedicated to the production of digestive enzymes.
Switching metabolic enzymes in digestive enzymes exerts liver, and other organs that need it to assist in the digestion and utilization of food nutrients. Examples include Eskimo dogs that much more tolerant of meat that was left meseÄeno and Contaminated (a corpse) to decompose, one of which is a bacterial polusvareno (eg raw meat is left to stand in the refrigerator or polukuvano). Studies show that mice fed food without enzymes (dehydrated – artificial food) have two and a half times larger livers than those fed raw food. Dogs who eat dry food, require much more water (natural foods contain over 70% water and dehydrated ten percent). This very fact dehydrated food requires much more secretion of gastric juices, a huge difference in the quality of liquid from the raw food and clean water, and fresh nutrients (meat) requires a certain amount of water. Dogs that eat only foods with granular and swollen pancreas, and inevitably accumulate toxins in the body which is not hard to see just a reason different combination of source fluid which means life. Actually, I think the dog is healthy and you live in delusion, feeding only suvokoncentrovanom food, so it’s not exactly in good health, and that it is hard to discern. Due to the aforementioned shortcomings caution is necessary when you want to go to, or a combination of raw and siorve suvokoncetrovane food to the bacteria to digest gradually evolved and stabilized in the body and gave their maximum contribution to the body. It takes cooked food, gradually, every meal cooked less and give it all the raw. Mix the cooked food with raw meat and bacteria will spread but dilute, or less concentrated. In this way we will greatly help the dog to easily submit a raw diet. It vets and supporters who give only suvokoncentrovane dog food in the treatment of various diseases confer only natural foods (give the dog fresh minced meat, liver small, lively yolk, cheese cook soup with the addition of fresh meat, have tea, some honey …) nowhere suvokoncentrovanu mention food.
Raw food means a life full of energy, resistance orgnizma and definitely longer life. Because everything is alive gives, gives life and body. In addition to these metabolic differences between raw food and suvokoncentrovane should not forget the stress. A dog that consumes raw food is exposed to ten times less stress during the feeding of the eater artificial feeding. Each food is a foreign body in the body, and the body recognizes youth prepared food as fuel materials necessary for its survival, he was only beneficial ingredients and all the excess as a foreign body discards through feces, urine, sweat, gases. Consuming only koncetrovane food consumption leads to large amounts of energy and liquids stored in muscle and fat after a meal so that the dog feels like it has been exposed to intensive exercise (running). Such a dog is sluggish, listless until they balance the energy for digestion and energy to move. Raw food however brings additional energy to a lesser extent, but wasting Protect stored energy necessary for metabolic functions, such foods give liveliness dog, the dog is much more inclined and full of life.
Since cows can make a ball, balls of cow ever.
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