Saturday, September 14, 2013

Feed Your Dog Healthy Treats - Tips For Finding the Best!

Like to feed your dog healthy treats? Here are 5 tips to finding your dog healthy treats they will love!

1. Be sure and feed your dog healthy treats that include the antioxidants vitamin E and rice bran. Both of theses are widely recognized as important antioxidant sources. Not only that, the rice bran has over 70 phytonutrients, which adds significantly to the overall antioxidant value. Antioxidants help to strengthen your dogs immune system.

2. Make sure and stay away from corn, wheat, wheat gluten, soy and soy gluten. These are not good for dogs and have been known to cause allergies. Many manufacturers will use these products as fillers in treats.

3. Always give your dog healthy treats that include multi-grains, fruits and vegetables. Dogs need a wide variety of these along with a protein source.

4. Make sure the protein source in the treats include chicken meal and eggs. These are wonderful protein sources for a dog. But make sure that the protein source does not include the word by products. By products are the leftover protein from the premium cuts that include chicken feet, beaks, etc. This is NOT good for your dog.

5.Check the labels carefully and make sure you feed your dog healthy treats that are free of chemical preservatives, artificial colors and flavors. You have to read your labels and ask yourself if you would eat it! Dogs should not have to eat inferior products that have no nutritional value and can be harmful to them as well.

Did you know that dogs fed a high quality diet live 5 or more years longer that dogs fed a lesser quality diet?

For a complete selection of dog healthy treats, click here!

From the beginning of time, dogs and humans have made great companions. Not only are dogs extremely faithful, but they are notorious for displaying unconditional love to their human companions. It is our job as their companions to properly care for and look after our beloved dogs. In this article, we will discuss 10 tips that you can implement right now to keep your dog healthy and happy for a very long time.

Take care of his nutritional needs. Diet plays an important part in promoting the health and well being of your dog. So, always give him nutritious food that he can easily digest. Raw food diets are great choices. If you choose a commercial pet diet, make sure that it is free of preservatives and uses human grade ingredients.

Exercise him regularly. Always make sure that your dog exercises regularly. This will help him maintain a healthy body weight and also strengthen his joints and muscles. In addition, exercise provides mental stimulation.

Have him examined regularly. Make sure that you take your dog to a vet on a regular basis to ensure that he is healthy and thriving. This will ensure that no illnesses are present.

Become knowledgeable about your dogs needs. Dogs have different needs depending on their age and breed. By keeping current with the latest findings, you can give your dog the special care that he requires. For instance, if your dog is showing signs of aging, you may have to build him a special ramp or give him special medication.

Watch out for illness. If you notice a sudden change in the playful nature or mood of your dog, he might be sick. If he refuses to eat or seems lethargic, you should take him to the veterinarian right away as it could be a sign that he is ill.

Adopt weight control measures. Just like human beings, obese dogs have health challenges and must undergo weight management plans. Therefore, make sure that you don’t overfeed your dog, monitor his food intake and exercise your dog to avoid this problem.

Spaying and neutering. Spaying (removal of the female dog’s ovaries and uterus) and neutering (removal of the male dog’s testicles) can prevent a host of diseases if breeding is not desired. In addition, it can prevent many unwanted puppy births that might end up in animal shelters.

Give your dog mental stimulation. Dogs love to learn and you should give them plenty of mental stimulation. Give them breed specific toys and teach them simple tricks and games. This will improve their confidence as well as their alertness and mental fitness.

Monitor their environment. It is better to keep a watchful eye on your dog before something happens than to deal with accidental situations. For instance, remove toxic substances like rat poisons, etc., as well as sharp or dangerous objects.

Keep them vaccinated. By providing your dog with the right vaccines at the right time, you can help prevent a number of diseases and ensure better health for them.

In conclusion, being a human companion isn’t easy, but it is well worth the effort when you’re rewarded with a healthy and happy pooch for the long haul!

For additional information on how to keep your dog healthy and happy, please visit, a website that features helpful dog-related articles, information, resources, and E-books for health-conscious and loving dog owners who want the best for their canine companion. Learn more about Dog Ear Yeast Infection

If you are looking to add a pet to your life, a dog is one of the best pets to consider.  Not only do they become part of the family, they are devoted and loyal companions.  They are always waiting for your return home, by letting you know how much they missed you.

Regardless if you are happy or sad, a dog will always stay by your side and give you unconditional love.  Keeping your dog healthy and happy is the best way to give back to your dog.  Here are a few dog care tips that should always be priority.

1.    Always give your dog a healthy diet.  This will provide your dog with energy, and help prevent obesity.  It will also keep their coats shiny and healthy.

2.     Always walk and exercise your dog.  A dog needs to get out, move around and get fresh air.  This will not just help them physically, but also emotionally.  They need to be able to see other people and surroundings, to help prevent boredom.

3.    Dogs need to be groomed and bathed.  Depending on the breed and length of hair, some dogs require cutting and brushing. Bathing should be done occasionally, a few times a year, because if you over wash your dog, it can make their skin dry and become irritated.

Giving your dog good nutrition, exercise, good hygiene and lots of love, will help to give your dog the best life possible.  An online e-book can give you information that will help you in taking care of your dog and give you excellent dog care tips on how to keep them healthy.

Want to make your dog to be the healthiest pet a live please visit this link:

Visit Our Site To Find Out More Information About Dog Care Tips

Are you a dog owner or are thinking of getting one? Dogs are like humans when it comes to feeding them their needs are similar to ours they need good nutritious food in order to be happy, healthy, and energetic as well as be in a good physical state. So before deciding on a diet for your pup or deciding on getting a pup for your household I highly advise you do some reading on caring and keeping your pup healthy when it comes to vaccinations, walking, grooming, feeding and the overall well being of a dog before taking on the responsibility of getting one.

When it comes to your puppy’s diet it is very important that you choose a diet that works best for your dog every dog is different so every dog’s needs when it comes to diet differentiate. Here are some things to look for in your puppy to see if the food you’re feeding your dog does not suit your dog’s needs. He/she doesn’t have much of an appetite or doesn’t like the food, has large stools that smell horrible, has gas, teeth are dirty and brown, burps a lot, constantly sheds, dull coat, no energy or vice versa is hyperactive, easily picks up fleas or has worms, is not happy. These are just some of the signs you should be able to spot in your dog if the diet you’re feeding him/her is affecting their health. You should most defiantly watch for these kinds of changes because if you don’t notice in the beginning you could be facing more serious health problems in the future.

Now when it comes to commercial dog food you should know that it lacks in a lot of areas to getting the right nutrients to your pup such as, important nutrition is limited due to cooking, heating and extruding which also causes protein to be poor quality due to over cooking and damaging the proteins, proteins braking down easily, minimized calcium also due to cooking. Furthermore when the food is lacking in a lot of areas your dog eats twice as much which then causes overweight dogs. Let’s be honest with people being so busy now a day’s people don’t walk their dogs every day which doesn’t help with keeping your dog fit and the more dogs get overweight the more health problems you can expect in the future.

Now that you know some information on what to look for in your pups health when it comes to diet, don’t overlook the food you feed to your pets because we do not get dog’s for pets we get them to be a part of our families and that’s exactly how you should care for your puppy click here for more information on feeding your dog healthy.

Keeping your dog happy and drooling can sometimes be seen as an unnecessary chore. The companies that make dog food surely know what they are doing right? Well… sometimes it is just dangerous to trust the health of your dog to someone other than yourself. The 2007 dog food recalls (mainly from Canadian supplier Menu Foods) shows that just a little bit of extra work can be the difference between your dog being healthy and sick. Cooking healthy for your dog, while taking a bit extra time, can mean the world of difference for your beloved pooch.

A good meal always consists of a portion of carbohydrates. These are important nutrients for dogs as well as providing them with boundless energy – so that they can be more active and you can have more fun with them. Carbohydrates are also great fillers. Cereals, rice and pasta are rich sources of carbohydrates that can be the base for any meal you make for your dog. You would then top it up with a nice portion of meat and vegetables to balance out the meal.

As dogs are omnivorous it is important to give them meat as well, but the best types of meat are certainly chicken, lamb and salmon. While salmon is not strictly a meat – it is very oily and dogs love oily foods. Unlike us humans, who have to work – dogs spend most of their time running around so they need a greater amount of fats and oils in their diet. These will also help with their digestive capacity and give them extra energy. Make sure the fish is cooked, because the consumption of raw fish can lead to vitamin deficiencies, bad posture and weakness in your dog. The same goes for raw meat – feeding them exclusively on raw meat can make the susceptible to certain diseases that giving them cooked/fried/roasted/barbecued meat could avoid.

A good point to note is that dogs must always have fresh water. It is recommended that their water be changed at least twice a day (once in the morning and once in the afternoon). This should go without saying, but many people do not do this. Giving your dog water once a day is simply not enough and is actually detrimental to their health. Furthermore, make sure that yours receives a moderate amount of milk – but never overdo it as it can lead to diarrhea.

Also, make a point of feeding your dog at regular intervals. Nothing keeps a dog healthy and happy like a regular meal. It helps you train them as you will know approximately when they are going to need to go outside. It also keeps dogs happier in general as dogs like strict regimes and consistency. They want to follow an alpha – so be their alpha!
All in all, to keeping your dog healthy and happy requires very little extra effort. Plan it around your own meal plan and you may find that they may not need any additional supplements to maintain a completely happy and healthy life.

If you truly want to maintain a healthy dog, go to this website now: It is the top resource for tips and dog food recipes to keep healthy dogs happy.

Edgar Ong
Dog Health Expert & Dog Lover

Remote dog training collars are all the rage right now thanks to some TV adverts and clever magazine placements. But, are they really worth the investment, and are you doing your dog any harm?

We’ll address the two questions separately, but first I want to talk about whether or not remote dog training collars are actually good for your dog.

Imagine if you were walking down the street one day with your partner, and you happened to give a beautiful young lady a second glance as she walked past you. Now imagine that suddenly you are jolted with a violent electric shock, as if from nowhere. Or, depending on the variety of training collar that your partner has secretly snuck around your neck, you might get a blast of a seriously unpleasant odour right up your nose.

Does that sound like something you’d want? Worse, what happens if your partner drops the remote somewhere and a small child picks it up and starts zapping you like a maniac? Or if she’s feeling vicious one day and wants to take out some aggression on you – remote dog training collars make this very easy indeed.

In all seriousness, although this example is a bit of fun, remote dog training collars present a real problem in dog training systems. This is that the dog cannot associate his bad behavior, you and the punishment together. By telling your dog “NO” when he misbehaves, he knows that you are unhappy about what he’s just done.

By randomly shocking him from across the room or even in the other room, he’s more likely to go mad trying to work out what’s going on. What’s more, you could provoke potentially dangerous and aggressive behavior through excessive use of a remote dog training collar, and that’s entirely the opposite of what you’re trying to do.

So I suppose we’ve actually answered the second question at the same time as the first – remote dog training collars should generally be avoided if you’re serious about training your dog. Mostly because they’re potentially harmful and counter-productive, but also because with a properly designed and consistent dog obedience training program, you simply don’t need a remote collar.

Get some advice from professional dog trainers, and they’ll tell you the same – ditch the electric collars and stick with tried and tested manual techniques for teaching your dog appropriate behavior.

Dog obedience training [] can seem like an uphill struggle, but if you’ve got professional advice from the start and a properly designed behavior strategy, it’s actually a breeze to get through, without electric collars or any other gadgets.

I’ve successfully trained my dogs out of their bad habits (barking, chewing and scratching amongst other things) thanks to the advice of the “Sit, Stay, Fetch!” course, which is written by a professional dog trainer and available cheaply online.

Learn more about dog behaviour training, discover the one thing that’s even better than remote collars and get a free 6 part sample from the “Sit, Stay, Fetch!” course at []. I’ll see you there, and wish you the best of luck with your pets.

When it comes time to start teaching that new puppy, or even an old dog, how to behave in public and inside your home, you will want to check out the latest advances made in the area of remote dog training collars. Remote dog training collars are easy than ever to use, and they are much more durable and safer than they were in years past. You can rest easy, knowing that your dog will not be hurt, and that the results will be the most well behaved dog on the block. You can teach an old dog new tricks with a remote dog training collar!

Let’s address the kinds of habits you can train your dog to get rid of. If you have an overly friendly dog that wants to jump up on every visitor you get, or if you have an over protective dog that the mailman has to spray with dog spray a few times a week to do his job, you will especially benefit from the use of a remote dog training collar. Each time you have a visitor, or when the time approaches for the mailman to arrive, just grab your dog collar remote, and start watching your dog. If your dog begins to run up to the people that are arriving, just give your dog a small shock, and he will eventually learn that he isn’t supposed to approach visitors, and that he should leave the mailman alone.

You can also use a remote dog training collar to teach your dog when it’s appropriate to bark. If your dog enjoys barking at everything under the moon, and you want him to be a guard dog that barks at people only, you can give him a small shock when he barks at something other than a person. Your dog will quickly learn that other animals, cars and shadows don’t pose a threat to you, and they will only bark when other people start approaching your property.

Dogs are very smart animals, and they want to please their masters. You will find that dogs can learn very quickly and thoroughly when properly motivated by a remote dog training collar. Soon, you will have a dog you can be proud of!

Christain Cullen is a successful webmaster and writer. He has over 350 websites online which offer help or information on a diverse range of subjects, from 1031 Exchanges to Pet-Birds to Flying Schools to Plasma TV.

His latest online Directory can be accessed @
Everyone is welcome to visit and there is a contact page for any questions you may have.

Remote dog training collars are a double edged sword. One one hand they are evil torture devices for your dog. On the other hand, they can be quite useful for training purposes. The fine line between them being used for good and used for bad all falls on how you use it.

The only way I would use remote dog training collars is for “distance” training. For example, if I was training a hunting dog or a SAR (search and rescue) dog. I would anchor the shock to either “sit” or “freeze”. That would mean the dog would either sit or freeze when they felt the shock. That way I wouldn’t have to worry about the dog running off after a butterfly.

The bad thing that a lot of people use remote dog training collars for is punishment. This is quite a harsh form of punishment, too harsh for dogs. If someone keeps the remote dog training collar on a dog all day, every day, and shocks them for everything they do wrong, such as not sitting quick enough, the dog is going to go crazy. This is the time, and one reason why dogs start to go kinda stir crazy. They are being shocked over and over again. It is quite understandable, isn’t it?

The remote dog training collar, if used, should only be used for a limited amount of time. It should only be used for training purposes. It should not be kept on all the time, the metal prongs will dig into the dogs neck and could cause an infection.

If you do decide to use the remote dog training collar please keep in mind a few simple rules. First, never use it as punishment. That will make your dog run away from it and try its hardest to not wear it. Second, only keep it on for a limited amount of time. Once training is done, take it off and treat and reward your dog for doing a good job. Lastly, try to find a different method of training. Depending on what you are training for, you might find a method that works better. Don’t use a remote dog training collar for basic obedience, that is a little over kill.

I have trained many dogs. I have helped many friends with their dogs and dog problems. I want to help spread the word about certain topics that people might not think of. For more help go to my site Click Here!

To choose the remote dog training collar is one of the most popular ways to train your favorite pet and man’s best friend. These remote electronic dog training collars help us train our pet, for a family pet, or for your use in a profession. The remote training electronic dog collars will allow your pet to achieve a new level of obedience. The problem is there are many different types of remote dog training collars available and you are not sure what you need. Electric Dog Collar Electronic dog collars have come a long way over the years. A good remote electric dog collar should have good range. To teach the dog using electronic dog training collar, it should be worn for at least a couple of weeks. You should also make sure to take off the electric dog collar 4-5 times a day. This removing the electric dog collar will teach the dog to remember the shock feeling with the electronic collar being off. That way the dog learns that this is a good feeling. You should also teach the dog using electronic dog training collar in a fenced area. The shock amount should be enough to just turn the dogs head. Use it Like a Leash CorrectionUsing electronic dog training collar is nothing more than a leash that is not there (invisible). The electric dog collar should be used in the same way as you would use a leash.The dog should be introduced to the electric dog collar. To think that just by putting the electric dog collar on the dog will train animal, this is incorrect. The act of putting the dog collar on the dog has meaning for the dog, rotating the prong all have meaning. You must also learn the art of pushing the buttons to get the best results.

Some people say that using the electric dog collar is like eating chocolate. There is nothing wrong with eating small amounts, but then there are some who think this is wrong. Never the less, used in small amounts, both are harmless and the dog likes both of them. The harm occurs when there is too much chocolate eaten, but no one has a hard and fast rule to what is OK for the dog and what is not. The electric dog collar gives out a small electric shock and should not be what you would get if you stuck your finger in an electric outlet.A cheap dog shock collar should be subtle in the way that they work. On cheap dog shock collars, you should use a level of shock that is minimal to achieve the obedience that you need. The shock should not frighten or hurt the animal. It can be quite easy to be abusive using electronic dog training collar. For this reason the average dog owner should not use the electric dog training collar.You need some experience when using electric dog training collar. The biggest thing is the dog should not be the one treated inhumanely or with cruelty. This is easy to do if you are careless in using the electric dog collar. You have to understand how the dog is feeling, and how the dog is reacting to the level of shock that is being emitted.What you have to do is determine the purpose of using the electric dog collar or consider the alternatives to make sure the dog is treated properly as well as trained with the best of care.For more information on this topic as well as other pet topics then visit: Remote Dog Training Collar

Have had many articles published on a variety of subjects. Co author of the best selling golf ebook called “Putt Lights Out”. You can find this ebook at For more information on dog and pet topics visit

The Tibetan Mastiff is considered to be the original dog from which most of the “Molosser breeds” of today have descended. The high and forbidding mountains of Tibet is the environment which produced this fierce and protective guarding dog. The unforgiving climate and mountainous terrain demanded an animal with endurance, a coat that possessed natural protection against the elements and courage and fearlessness to fight off predator animals. The Tibetan Mastiff was used by the wandering shepherds and nomadic tribes and later by the Monks of Tibet as a protective dog which would effectively give warning of strangers and would guard the sheep. Mention of the large black dog with a fearsome bark can be found in Chinese documents as early as 1100 B.C.

The Tibetan Mastiff of today has changed very little from that original dog. The breed today is actually not as large as some of its descendants. It should stand about 25-26 inches at the shoulder with a weight of 100 to 130 pounds. The chest is deep and as mentioned the neck is heavily ruffed with loose folds of skin. Legs are straight and heavy boned. The face has the typical pendulous flews with a soft expression and fold over ears lying close to the skull. The head has a typical bear like appearance with the lips of the upper jaw lying over the lower jaw. The tail is plumed and curls over the back like that of the Spitz breeds. He is usually black or black and tan but can be red or gold.

The temperament has become more stable through selective breeding. The Tibetan Mastiff has a strong will to protect its family and will be wary of strangers and yet gentle of nature and affectionate to its family. It is a dog that one can easily train but because of its large size needs to be trained early since it has a great deal of strength. The neck of the Mastiff is heavily coated and is somewhat impervious to pain, this is common with Mastiff breeds. The natural reason for this is that predators would of course bite in this vulnerable location. Because of this, the “survival of the fittest” produced a dog with loose skin and heavy coat which would protect the neck area. Therefore when one is training the Mastsiff and most of the dogs with this genetic inheritance it is important to realize that the typical “jerk and pull” training is not going to influence the dog very much. Training is more easily accomplished with the use of the prong collar placed high on the neck behind the ears, or with “clicker training” . The Tibetan Mastiff is a highly intelligent breed that can be quite independent but is willing to please and tireless in its loyalty. He is a dignified member of the household when grown, making a calm and gentle pet for the children and a brave and fearless watchdog and guardian of his family.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Dogs

Temperament: The Tibetan Mastiff has all the elements they are courageous, fearless, thoughtful, and loyal to their family and is even tempered. This breed reaches full maturity later in life than a lot of breeds but this just adds to the dog’s charm. This dog will need a firm and consistent leader and this prevents over protectiveness and willfulness. Without a great leader, they can become territorial. This dog will love to please you and the family. They are good with children.

It is best to socialize the Tibetan Mastiff well as they instinctively guard the family so introducing new things and people from an early age will help them accept new experiences. To help this breed to be stable and reach their full potential, they need good consistent training and good pack leadership form the owner and this will reduce, or eliminate, any problems. Combine daily physical exercise with mental challenges.

The Tibetan Mastiff dog needs good heel work to reinforce the leadership status, which is that you are the Alpha. This dog will not listen if they think they are stronger minded, and see you as meek. This does not mean hitting and shouting at the dog but a natural leadership style with a calm but firm manner. This is not a breed for the first time dog owner. This dog, in the right hands, makes a wonderful family pet.

Health issues: As with a lot of large breed dogs the Tibetan Mastiff is prone to hip dysplasia. There are also ear infections, a genetic problem called CIDN Canine Inherited Demyelinative Neuropathy sadly this is fatal but is picked up in puppies as young as 7 weeks, the puppy only lives to around four months. Not a true health issue is the fact the Tibetan Mastiff joints and muscle while young need to not be overworked this is important while young and throughout the growing stage. As with any dog it is very important that you make sure they are up to date on all vaccinations, de-wormings and heart worm preventatives. It is also suggested by the majority of licensed veterinarians that you take your puppy or dog in for a check up at least twice each year.

Grooming: The Tibetan mastiff will require grooming and this for the owner is a good brushing regularly. This dog is a heavy shedder for about one month as the weather starts to warm up and then more brushing is needed and this should be daily with the shedding.

Living conditions: The Tibetan Mastiff can live in an apartment providing; there is room as this is a big dog and that the dog has plenty of daily exercise.

For more information on different Dog Breeds, Dog Training and Teacup Puppies for sale including Yorkies, Chihuahuas and Morkies please visit our websites below. Be sure to Register for our Free Puppy Contest where you can register to win a Free Puppy valued at up to $ 1,500.00 with Free Shipping.
Teacup Puppies For Sale
Teacup Yorkie

Description: The Tibetan Mastiff is a big dog that is large boned and sturdy. This breed stands at 25-28 inches and the weight is 140-170 pounds. The head is broad, heavy, and has good strength. The muzzle is broad and square in shape. The teeth meet in a scissor or level bite. The nose is black and large. This dog has slightly slanting eyes, which are almond shaped, deep set and all shades of brown. This dog has pendent V shaped ears that hang close to the head. The Tibetan Mastiff has a muscular neck that is slightly arched; the neck has a lot of mane. The front legs are straight and the feet are cat like, and sometimes they have feathering between the toes. The double coat is vast and very thick. The coat comes in brown, black, blue- grey and can have tan markings and a range of shades of gold. They can also have white markings. Their life expectancy is 15 plus years.

History: Like all other Mastiff’s and Molossuses, throughout the world, the Tibetan Mastiff is descended from the famous Tibetan dogs. It is believed that the ancient Tibetan Mastiff was around as early as 1100BC. This went on to develop into the dog we call the Tibetan Mastiff today. This breed, for centuries, was cut off from the rest of the world in the Himalayan Mountains, of Tibet. The dog was used for guarding the villages and in some cases only one dog was guarding a whole village. This dog was locked up in the day and at night would patrol the village keeping it safe, as the men would need to work away for days at a time. It was Queen Victoria of England that had the dog first in the mid 1800′s and this set the dog status, and the gates opened to the west bring the dog from its isolation. The English wrote the standards, and breeding began in the west. The dog was imported from Nepal, India, Afghanistan and Ladakh to the USA this was in 1970′s. The Tibetan Mastiff sadly has become rare in its native country, Tibet. This dog has gained in popularity in the US. The Tibetan Mastiff was first recognized by the ACK in 2006.

For more information on different Dog Breeds, Dog Training and Teacup Puppies for sale including Yorkies, Chihuahuas and Morkies please visit our websites below. Be sure to Register for our Free Puppy Contest where you can register to win a Free Puppy valued at up to $ 1,500.00 with Free Shipping.
Teacup Puppies For Sale
Teacup Yorkie

Various pet collar styles are available in the market nowadays. Every style of pet collar has it unique brand of feel and look. Are you shopping for a pet collar? Well, if you are, it is understandable that you find it difficult to decide on which really is the right collar for the most beloved pet of yours.

If you are looking for a collar for your dog, then the most common type available on the market is simply, a collar without any special attachments, straps or loops. It is simple a dog collar that you can loop around the neck of your dog, with a metal right in it to hold the nametag of your dog.

Now, if you prefer other styles from the most ordinary type, there is quite a large number. Now if you prefer any special material for your dog collar, there are also hundreds of various styles to choose from. Standard collars are usually made of leather or nylon and comes in various styles and colors. A metal buckle is used so that they can be attached to the neck of your pet. Nowadays, other styles of collars are equipped with plastic, with plastic clips to get the collar on and off the pet’s neck quickly.

Pet collars can also be very customizable in a variety of ways. You can stitch your pet’s name into the collar itself and not get a separate tag anymore. You can also buy them customized with special patterns, designs, color or material, according to what you or your pet prefers.

The market now offers one that is called choke collar. This type can be used generally for training your pet and must not be placed on your pet’s neck for a long period. Typically, this type of collar is made solely of metal and can be placed around your dog’s neck during training period. It tightens around your dog’s neck when you pull on it, obliging him to obey your commands. It can also be a useful collar when you are on the process of training your dog to just stay with you during hunting. It also teaches your dog not to pull against the collar when you are both out on a walk. However, caution must be practiced in pulling it since it might constrict your dog’s breathing when pulled too hard.

Petsafe pet collar is a very good option in choosing a pet collar since Petsafe is an established manufacturer. Their products are safe, reliable and durable, nothing but comfort for your pet if you opt to buy a petsafe pet collar.

Meanwhile, if you are looking into hunting dog collars, you can check out for different styles online. There are various hunting dog collars online that can be purchased through an online store.

Another type of pet collar is the halter. This type is usually used when going on walks and a leash is needed. It is very beneficial for your pet because it is attached through the dog’s shoulders and chest instead of just on its throat. Thus, if the leash were ever pulled, the force would be evenly distributed over your pet’s shoulders and chest and reduce the tension on your pet’s breathing tubes, helping them to have lesser constricted breathing capacity during walking and makes the experience less stressful.

Remember, you need to have a general preference or idea of the particular type of pet collar you should shop for. While you are just looking for a standard type of collar, you may never know when you find that you can have something more specialized or customized according to your pet’s tastes and establish its individuality.

Already have your personalized dog furniture and dog doors? Don’t just sticks at your dog bark collars; there are lots of things to collect for your pet dog.

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When you love your pets, it is important that you give them what is best for them. It is not enough that you give them food, water and shelter, it is also important that you give them the freedom that they need.

What better way to give them the freedom that they need than to install your home with an automatic Petsafe pet door. An automatic device such as this is beyond the normal and ordinary pet products that are sold in the market. They work by detecting the matching collar of your dog or cat so that the pet door can automatically open to let your pets in and out whenever they please.

Petsafe Pet Door

One of the automatic doors that you can buy for your pet is the Petsafe Pet Door. Although this particular brand is intended for dogs, it does not mean that it does not work with cats. In fact, the Petsafe brand has several designs, and some can be used for your cats, too, if you have one. Thus, here are the different types of pet access devices that are offered by the Petsafe Pet Door brand.

Basic Door:

The basic door is just an ordinary one that does what it is supposed to do. It cannot detect the dog’s collar and open it manually. For your pet to be able to go in and out of the pet door, it needs to push the flap that is attached to the opening. In any case, this particular door has security issues since it can easily be opened by intruders.

Specialty Doors:

These devices have added features. There are doors belonging under this classification that are made from durable material. Moreover, most weather-resilient dog doors belong under this classification. This type of pet door is perfect for places where adverse weather conditions such as strong winds and rain are felt in the entire year.

Electronic, or Automatic Doors:

These are the devices that operate automatically by detecting the collar of the pet. What is great about them is that they offer a lot of convenience and that they are also ensure that they are burglar safe devices since they are very hard to open from the inside without the collar.

Mary has been writing articles for over 4 years. Please visit her latest website about great pet products at Automatic Pet Door, with information on the Petsafe Pet Door and other pet products that anyone with pet dogs or cats would be interested in.

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I think everyone knows that dogs make excellent pets. However, even as the great pets that they are they still need to be trained. At times they can be rebellious and annoying, and as a responsible dog owner you need a way to correct their behavior. Negative behavior patterns such as growling, howling, jumping up on you, and general disobedience need to be redirected.

For times like this you need to let the dog know that your are the boss, and you won’t tolerate any unacceptable behavior. If you don’t have a way to train your dog from his negative behavior patterns he will soon get out of control, and you will have a huge problem on your hands. Your dog may even chew up everything in your yard, try to stay at the fence and intimidate passers by, or even tear up your beautiful flower bead.

For cases like this I highly recommend a Petsafe non-visible barrier. This is a complete dog training system that gives you the ability to send consistent and purposeful corrections to your dog. The non-visible barrier system uses an electronic receiver that is in the form of a dog collar. It also uses a wire that you lay around the border of your house, or any other part of your property that you want to protect from your dog. The wire may be laid above ground, or you may bury it just below the surface.

The collar has two sensors that stick out and touch the dog’s neck, long enough to penetrate the fur coat and contact the skin, to facilitate sending correction signals. When your dog goes near the boundary, it activates a mild shock signal from the wire to the collar. This correction discourages your dog from crossing the wire and staying within the boundary you have laid out. The dog will learn very quickly where and where not to go, usually within a few day to a week or so. This non-visible barrier has the following benefits:

It helps eliminate your worry about your dog’s safety. It also helps your dog roam freely about the area on containment you have defined with the wire. The invisible electronic fence is easier to maintain that having a physical fence, whether it is wood or cinder block. The Petsafe collar fence trains your dog quickly and protects your shrubs, flower beds, pool, and other areas.

The amount of time it takes to achieve these benefits will vary slightly from breed to breed. It really depends on how much time you dedicate to the job, and how temperamental your dog is. Your must let your dog know from the get go that you mean business and the collar is going to be your way to let him know this. As far as the wire fence goes, it is better to bury it below ground than the lay it on top of the ground. If you are not confident you can bury it I suggest you hire a professional to do the job properly. This system is safe for your dog, effective, and will save you time in the long run.

If you are looking for an effective, safe, and easy way to train your dog to stop nuisance barking then consider adding a Petsafe collar. Find out more information, reviews, and availability for a Petsafe collar by visiting

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Are you in a quandary or confronting a hard situation with your dog every time you let it outside? Do you concern for your dog’s safety or when he is out and about roaming around your yard. Does he make you anxious and concerned every time you let him out of the house?

You don’t have to fault it exclusively on yourself. Everyone needs to realize that dogs are dynamic, frisky and inquisitive by nature. As a matter of fact, such thing befalls to most dog owners and devotees. Just imagine if you could allow your pooch outside without having to stop stressing about his safety or his following move. You can altogether remove yourself from all of the suffering, concern and anxiousness. At this instant, you will be able to concentrate on your every day chores without any distraction on your head.


A Petsafe wireless fence is one of these devices that are fashionable with many dog lovers. This system allows a harmless, elementary and efficient pet containment system for all canines that are larger than eight pounds. How then does this work? It has two major components that consist of a collar and a wireless transmitter. The transmitter pulses out a radio signal to produce the pet confinement region. As the dog owner you condition your animal by employing impermanent boundary indicators as an assistance to delineate the pet boundary. You put a receiver collar around your dog’s neck that includes metallic contact that touches through the fur to the skin of his neck.

Once your pooch is completely trained, he can roam freely and frolic inside the canine containment area. If Fido goes near the wire boundary it sends out a correction signal that is received by the collar. First it activates a beeping sound to keep your dog away from the boundary, and let him know he is too close. The collar also sends out a safe static correction shock to the metal contact points. Both of these activation signals help your dog to learn how to stay away from the boundary and return to the confinement region.

Here are some things to think about that are distinct advantages to using the Petsafe non-vissible barrier correction collar. It is easy and quick to install and get going. Getting the system in the ground and turned on does not require much energy or time. All that is needed is to plug in the transmitter, make the signal strong enough to be activated, and then place it in an optimal position. You can lay the system above the ground or bury it in the dirt if you so desire.

A really awesome aspect of the non-vissible barrier is that it is completely adjustable to what you desire for it to be. You can define the containment region within the range of five to ninety feet in radius. No matter where you happen to be, you can set the area to your liking and the temperament of your dog. This non-vissible barrier system is completely wireless and movable. If you so choose you can pack up the system and take it with you on a vacation or weekend trip. The system is also completely expandable, and you can add to it later is your dog training needs change. All that is needed is for you to obtain another wireless transmitter or another collar for any new dogs you get.

If you are looking for an effective, safe, and easy way to train your dog to stop nuisance barking then consider adding a Petsafe collar.

Find out more information, reviews, and availability for a Petsafe collar by visiting

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Are you in a dilemma or facing difficult dealing with your dog every time it runs out of the yard? Do you fear for their safety or anxious about their whereabouts when this happen?

Do not blame it solely on yourself. Everyone should know that dog are active, playful and curious by natural. In fact, such thing do happens to most dog owners and lovers.

Using PetSafe Wireless Fence

Just imagine what if you could leave your dog outdoor without having to keep thinking about his safety or his next move. You can completely free yourself from all the distress, fear and anxiety. At this moment, you will be able to focus on your daily tasks without any distraction on your mind.

PetSafe wireless fence is one of the products that are popular with dog owners. This system provides a safe, simple and effective pet containment system for all dogs whose weight is more than 8 pounds.

So, how does it work?

The system has two (2) major parts which is a transmitter and a receiver collar. The transmitter sends out a radio signal to create the pet containment area. You, the dog owners train the pet using temporary boundary flags as an aid to define the pet area. Your dog put on a receiver collar that comes with contact points which touches his neck. Upon fully trained, your dog is put to roam and play freely inside the pet containment area.

When your dog roams near the boundary, the receiver collar gives out a beeping sound. If the dog moves into the boundary zone, the collar contact points give out a safe and harmless static correction. These actions are to deter him from moving further and to return back to the pet containment area.

Now, let’s get to the best part of this article, the advantages:

Easy and quick setup

Setting up the system does not require a lot of effort or time. Just plug in the transmitter, adjust the desired range or area and placed it at an optimal position. You do not have to bother with any digging or heavy installation.

Adjustable containment area

The PetSafe wireless fence system allows you to adjust and set the containment area in the range from 5 to 90 feet radius. No matter where you are, you can set any area size you desired to suit your needs and location.

Wireless and Portable

Since the system is wireless and portable, you can bring it along during outing or vacation. Hence you have the option of having your dog with you instead of leaving it at home.

Future expansion

In the later stage, you might want to make some changes to the system such as to increase the pet area or number of pet. All you have to do is to get another wireless transmitter or additional receiver collar for each pet. You are not requires to upgrade the whole system.

Freedom for yourself and your dog

With the PetSafe wireless fence system in place, you have creates the freedom for your dog to run, play and exercise freely inside the pet area. As for you, you can stop worrying about its safety and carry on with your daily life.

Lastly, a word of caution here: Make sure that you have given the proper and adequate training to your dog before actual use of the system. The training is critical and holds the key to the success and effectively of the whole system.

If you are looking for ways to solve your dog containment problem, then click here PetSafe Wireless Containment System.

To find out how to provide a safe and secure environment for your pet, visit

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Are you in desperate need of an enclosure for your yard to safely contain your dog, but don’t have the financial resources available to spend thousands installing an expensive chainlink or wooden fence? Or it could be that community covenants forbid the usage of such fencing, and will not let you install one even if you can afford it. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry, you still have options…the Petsafe Wireless Fence.
Petsafe Wireless Fence

The PetSafe Wireless Fence (item number PIF-300) dog or cat containment system is a fabulous, cutting edge, technological invention that gives dog owners the most trusted, least complicated form of pet containment available. Installing the PIF-300 couldn’t be easier. All you do to get started is to simply plug in the transmitter someplace out of the way inside your home, or in a covered area outside. The containment system sets up quickly, with no wires to bury, and no fence posts to install. The Petsafe wireless transmitter sends out a 17.5 kHz radio signal around the transmitter location. Your dog wears a compact receiver collar that “listens” for the signal transmission. As the receiver collar receives the signal transmission, your dog can run and play freely within the containment area. The moment he gets near the boundary of the signal zone, he will get a warning beep. If your dog proceeds to approach the boundary region, he / she will receive a static correction shock that may be startling, but is not harmful or dangerous. With a combination of patience, and consistent, basic training, your canine friend will promptly learn how to recognize and remember the boundary area.

What happens if I’ve got two dogs, or maybe three dogs, or perhaps even ten you may ask? Not a problem…..the Petsafe Wireless Fence system comes equipped with one receiver collar for one dog, but the system easily and conveniently expands to handle an unlimited number of dogs, though you will need to buy an additional collar for every dog you would like to contain with this system. Most wireless fence retailers have additional receiver collars available for purchase for this reason, so make sure you get extras if you need to get them.

An additional advantage of the Petsafe Wireless Fence is portability. Would you like to take your dog with you and your family on vacation? Now it’s possible. The PetSafe PIF 300 Instant Wireless Fence is the only portable, wireless containment system that provides your dog with the same degree of flexibility, freedom and security to romp and play that he enjoys at your home. Just plug it in and turn it on, and you(and your dog) are all set. Your dog has already been taught to recognize that the warning beep means he is approaching the boundary. If he has been trained properly, he will avoid the boundary area just like he does at home.

There are a few disadvantages to the Petsafe instant fence system to be aware of. Perhaps most important, the Petsafe wireless fence will not keep unwanted pets/animals off of your property, so your dog may be vulnerable if this happens. However, your dog may also be vulnerable if your only alternate option is to restrain your dog with a rope or chain, which is not advised.

Battery life is another potential problem. If the battery dies, the receiver collar will no longer receive the transmitter signal, and will not warn your dog if he approaches the boundary area. That’s why it is essential to make certain those batteries, as well as the receiver collar, are working properly before releasing your dog into the boundary area.

Finally, the wireless signal containing your furry friend is oval shaped, and encloses an adjustable 90-foot circular zone. This might make it impossible to use for people with small, square-shaped properties. It is essential to make certain the coverage area is tweaked to fit your property, and to ensure it does not extend into areas you want to be off-limits to your pet….for example your neighbor’s property, or near by roadways.

While it isn’t a perfect system, the Petsafe Wireless Fence pet containment system is a wonderful solution for people who can’t or don’t wish to install a physical fence, or bury wire for a wired, underground system. It’s budget friendly, it’s simple to set up and install, and most importantly… it works.

Order the Petsafe Wireless Fence today, and save $ 70.00….AND we’ll pay for your shipping too. You might also be interested in the Innotek IUC 4100. It’s the pet containment system we recommend the most.

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Dog Food Dangerous

Making dog food comparisons comes down to more than just wet food versus dry food. What dog food comparisons are really about is comparing the labels. However, wet food is better for a dog than dry food simply due to the fact that it is wet. Dry food is bad for a canine because it is void of any natural moisture. At any rate, the most important part of a dog food bag or can is the white label on the back or side. The best way for you to determine the quality of your pet’s food is by carefully reading and understanding the nutrition label.

When reading these labels on your canine’s food, there are certain questions that you will want to be asking yourself as you read along. Questions such as: whether the food uses quality ingredients, whether there is a quality meat source as one of the first two ingredients, are the ingredients human grade, and whether or not the bag or can is dated for freshness. These are some of the most important questions to ask yourself while reading over the ingredients, but you may think of some other questions to ask yourself that are not mentioned. Some nutritional charts on the internet will list corn at either the beginning or closer to the end of their ingredient lists; the food with corn as one of the main ingredients has shown to be less desirable by dogs. If your dog is a fussy eater, you may want to steer clear of foods with high corn concentration.

In the following text you will find some common ingredients in dog food and why they are usually quite unwanted. First there are meat by products that are included in dog foods. The grade of meat products that are put into pet products will consist of organs and other parts that are undesirable or condemned for our consumption. These by products will consist of bones, intestines, blood, ligaments, lungs, feet, heads, and even feathers. Second in line is corn. Corn is often bad because it is so hard for a lot of canines to digest. This is why you want to watch the level corn that is in a bag or can of food. Third in line are food fragments. These food fragments are lower cost by-products of other food manufacturing processes. A good example is wheat bran and brewer’s rice. Both of these food fragments are waste products of the alcohol industry.

Next in line is the meat and bone meal. This is also called beef and bone meal and they are inexpensive sources of animal protein. The problem with this is that the protein in meal that contains a large amount of bone may be hard to digest. If it is hard to digest then it is more than likely not providing adequate nutrition. In these animal foods you may also run across many animal fats, chemical preservatives, sweeteners, and beef tallow which is low quality fat. Keep a watchful eye on those nutrition labels for you and for your pet.

Get the facts about dog food. High quality food can prolong your pets life and make them happier and healthier. The wrong dog food can make your pet sick and shorten their life. Make the right choices, get the facts before you select a food for your dog. Take a look at Dog Food Facts Exposed
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Compare Dog Beds

Your dog deserves to sleep as comfortably as you do. Since there are millions of dog owners that agree with this philosophy, a variety of dog beds has been developed. All of them have advantages. When you begin shopping for dog beds, remember to consider all the options.

Dogs like to sleep on cushiony beds with plenty of support. They will wag their tails when they try their new orthopedic foam beds or coil spring dog beds. As an owner, you might even be generous enough to supply your dogs with pillow-top beds so that they can relax in bliss. An iron bed frame can make the mattress-style beds even more supportive.

Odor can be big problem for some dogs, but there are many beds that address this issue. Some have cedar bedding covered by foam and possibly a fleece lining for warmth. The cedar bedding also protects your pet from insects like fleas. Others can be put into the washing machine and thoroughly cleaned inside and out. You can remove the covers of some dog beds and wash them as well.

Oval pet beds can be hidden away in a corner so that your pet can enjoy an undisturbed nap. They come in a variety of fashionable colors and many of them have fleece linings. There are oval pet beds in sizes from extra small to extra large. If your pet has a special place of her own, select any bed that will fit in the space.

Some pets like to curl up in a tidy oval bed while others like to stretch out in roomy open dog beds. When you are comparing the different beds that are available, think about how your dog likes to sleep. Consider whether your dog is plagued by occasional fleas or odors. Then choose dog beds that seem to be a good fit for your dogs. They will bark for joy.

For purchasing information visit or Bargains Delivered Dog Beds
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Greyhound Races

Greyhound handicapping is mostly just comparing one dog to another and figuring out which one is faster, better and more likely to win. It sounds so simple when you put it like that, but when you actually put it into practice, it gets more complicated. The first and most important question you have to answer before you do any comparisons is this: What exactly are you comparing to what?

Most people would probably say that it’s simple. You’re just weighing each dog’s factors against the same factors for the other dogs. Speed, post position, running style – all the usual suspects. But that’s not really an explanation for how you’re going to do that. For instance, let’s take speed.

First, of course, we have to define what we mean by “speed” in greyhound races. Right there, if there are two people in a room, you’ll get two different answers for what speed really is. Is it how fast the greyhound ran in its last race i.e. its time? Is it the greyhound’s average speed? Or is it that dog’s speed only in that grade at that distance?

Some people find “speed” by comparing a dog’s time in its last race to the track record, to the best time the dog’s ever had or to some speed rating that their handicapping software has come up with. While any and all of these methods have their merits, there’s one thing that all of them are missing. What about the other dogs?

This is the basis of handicapping as far as I’m concerned. While I look at several speed factors, I know that all of them have to be evaluated against the same factors for the other dogs in THIS race. So, comparing a dog’s last race time to the track record only applies if you do that with all 8 dogs in a race and then, somehow, come up with a way of giving each dog weight for that result.
I’m not saying that the above factor has any bearing on how well a dog will do in any given race.

What I’m saying is this: you have to compare each dog to the other dogs in the race, not to outside factors like that dog’s best time that may have been a year or more ago and under a very different set of circumstances as far as track condition, running room and even weather are concerned.

The bottom line when you handicap a greyhound’s possible performance in a race, is that you have to consider how it will do against the other 7 greyhounds in this race. How it did in the past and all the other information you have about this dog is only relevant as far as it has an impact on the race it and the other 7 greyhounds are running today.

Where can you find free information and the best greyhound handicapping systems on the Net? You’ll find everything you need to help you win at the track at
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Dog Food Brands

It’s hard to compare dog food brands when you might not know what to look for.
Here are a few tips on how to find the best dog food brand:

1. Look at the ingredient list and see what the first 5 ingredients are. They will be the indicator as to whether you have a good quality food or not. A good dog food should not have more than 2 grains listed in the first 5 ingredients. Protein should be the main ingredient.

2. Check the protein source. Is it animal or vegetable protein? Always go with an animal protein. Dogs metabolize animal protein much better. The best animal protein source is chicken meal. It has less water in it than chicken meat which means it will be more concentrated.

3. Don’t buy a food that has corn gluten, wheat gluten, corn or soy in it. These can be very difficult for a dog to digest.

4. Find a food with NO by products. Have you ever wondered why they call it by products? It’s probably because they don’t even know what it is!

5. Look for health promoting ingredients like bacteria cultures, antioxidants, and probiotics. These will help to give your dog a healthy GI tract and in turn more nutrients will be absorbed.

6. Check your dog’s bowel movements. Are they large or small? The larger the movement usually means the less nutrients are being absorbed into the body.

Did you know a dog fed a high quality dog food lives on average 5 years longer than a dog fed a low quality food?

Compare dog food brands and see how yours rates.
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Comparing Dog Breeds

Comparing dog breeds is highly important when deciding to adopt a dog. No two dogs are ever the same, despite the breed and its standards. Every dog develops his own “personality” and temperament as he grows. Even puppies from the same litter can be as different as night and day. Breed standards are general guidelines that are presented to potential owners, but many times an individual dogs’ traits will vary drastically from that of its standards. Knowing this, you should evaluate each dog you are considering adopting, regardless of the breed, and pay attention to any traits you may find troubling.

While comparing dog breeds, you’ll find that some are known for their hyperactive, sometimes destructive personalities and need to have a training program introduced to them early on. Some of these include:

1. Terriers
2. Labrador Retrievers
3. Collies
4. Huskies
5. Dachshunds

Not that these dogs aren’t good. But before you adopt one be sure you know that you will need to spend a great deal of time on exercising and training.

In the process of comparing dog breeds, another issue you may be concerned about is barking.

Barking becomes especially troublesome if you happen to live in an apartment. Neighbors won’t appreciate hearing your dog bark all the time. All dogs bark occasionally, but adopting a breed that is known for chronic barking may become problematic later. Be sure to do extensive research when you are comparing dog breeds if barking will be an issue for you.

Breeds that are identified as “barkers” include:

1. Border Collies
2. Beagles
3. Hounds
4. Chihuahuas
5. Poodles

Some potential owners may be seeking a breed that is known to be a good watchdog. While comparing dog breeds, be sure to eliminate the “overly friendly” dogs. Adopting a dog that “looks” protective may not always be the best choice. While the appearance of a watchdog is important, adopting a dog breed with proven guarding traits is of the utmost importance.

In the process of comparing dog breeds, some dogs you may come across that demonstrate good watchdog traits include:

1. Chow Chow
2. Bull Terrier
3. Doberman Pinscher
4. German Shepherd
5. Rottweiler

For those with children, comparing dog breeds is vital. You may want to shy away from larger breeds or breeds that tend to be aggressive. You may be interested in adopting a breed that is friendly and affectionate.

Some of the dog breeds that are known to fit this description are:

1. Boxer
2. Bernese Mountain Dog
3. Bichon Frise
4. Labrador Retriever
5. Golden Retriever

Comparing dog breeds and knowing which is right for you and your family is a good start. But as mentioned before, every dog has his own personality and positive/negative behaviors. Please be sure to spend some time with the dog you are considering in different environments. That way you will have the chance to evaluate him properly. Too many dogs end up in shelters every year because owners are either unwilling or unable to provide the training and care that is necessary. Do your research, compare dog breeds and select a one that “fits” your lifestyle so that your dog doesn’t become another statistic.

Discover more great training info at:
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Choosing Dog Food

Most people believe that feeding their dog is the easiest part of owning it. However, this is not necessarily true. The type of food and the amount of feed that you give to your pet has a great effect on the animal’s health and appearance. It is very important to carefully check the ingredients on the bag when comparing dog foods. Unfortunately, numerous pet owners choose to compare price tags instead. Choosing the appropriate dog food can enhance your canine’s skin, eyes, teeth, energy, and overall health.

To ensure that you are giving your dog the highest quality of food, always check the labeling on the bag. Everyone acknowledges that dogs like meat. They are carnivores. Therefore, the first ingredient in an adequate bag of dog food should be a form of meat. This meat needs to be lamb, beef, chicken, or liver. Stay away from foods that are made of meat by products. These foods substitute items such as feathers, skin, and beaks for real meat. Soy is another ingredient to avoid. It has been discovered that numerous dogs are allergic to soy products.

Many pet owners look to their dog’s food to enhance a particular characteristic of the canine. For example, some may wish to boost the animal’s outer appearance while others may want to increase the dog’s energy. There are specific ingredients to look for in food to accomplish these desires.

Oils are effective at adding shine to a dog’s coat. Look for dog foods with Omega 6 and Omega 3 for achieving healthier skin. Vegetable oils, flaxseed oil, and fish oil are good choices too. Fatty acids can aid in helping soothe your dog’s irritated skin. Theses oils can also be given in the form of food supplements.

To see an increase in your pet’s energy level, choose foods that are high in proteins and carbohydrates. This is extremely important if you own a working dog that burns many calories each day. Older, less active dogs will not need as high of a calorie diet as those that are younger and more vibrant. Typically, dogs need at minimum 10% protein in their diet and about 5% fatty acids.

When buying can food for your dog, be careful about avoiding foods that list water as a main ingredient. The cheaper can dog foods often add a significant amount of water to their product in order to lower the cost for consumers. If you choose to only give your pet food from a can, choose cans with meat as the first ingredient. You will also want to give your pet bones for crunching. Eating crunchy bones keeps a dog’s teeth healthy.

Giving your pet a high quality food with maximum nutritional value is an excellent way to add energy in your dog’s life and enhance the appearance of his coat, eyes, teeth, and physique. While theses foods are often higher priced, the additional cost that you pay is well worth the positive difference that you will see in your dog.

Article by Kelly Marshall of Oh My Dog Supplies, check out our selection of dog steps online.
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Dog Food

Before I discuss how to compare dog food, let me make clear a truth about food and health that is true for both humans and animals. All foods can fall along a continuum of ‘raw’ on one end and ‘processed’ on the other. The more processed a food is, the worse it is for our health, period. The best food you could prepare for your dog is home made food using fresh organic ingredients.

Now, we can’t prepare this kind of food everyday. We don’t have the time or the money. But regardless, you should be aware of the truth and what you are doing to you and your dog with your diets. You can compare dog food until you are blue in the face, but the best commercial dog food will not hold a candle to homemade food.

How To Compare Dog Food – The Meat

All dog commercial dog food could be divided into two categories: those that use meat by-products and those that use meat.

What Are Meat By-Products?

Sadly, meat by-products are usually everything that has been deemed unfit for human consumption. This stuff should really be thrown out. Instead, it is used to produce pet food and it is believed to be a major cause behind chronic disease in animals. Meat by-products can even include diseased meat, ground up bones and even dog and cat parts. When comparing dog food, the first step is to weed out any brand that uses meat by-products. Stick with the brands that use real meat, the meat that humans can eat.


To properly compare dog food you need to next examine the grain content of the product. In order to reduce costs, many commercial dog food companies load up their foods with corn meal and other grain. These ingredients are cheap fillers. Unfortunately, they are not good for your dog. In fact, high grain diets are believed to be partly responsible for chronic disease in both humans and pets. More importantly, they don’t contain the nutrients your dog needs.
Look for dog foods that contain only whole grain. Furthermore, grain should not be the first ingredient on the bag. Real chicken or beef should be the first ingredient.

How To Compare Dog Food -Organic Or Not?

There are some legal loop holes that allow commercial dog food companies to put the ‘organic’ label on their product. I’m suspicious when I see the organic label. Look for real meat as the first ingredient and whole grain.

Vitamins and Minerals

Any processed food is going to be deficient of appropriate levels of nutrients. Processing food strips out vitamins and minerals. It’s just the way it is. To accurately compare dog food, the final thing you should consider is vitamin and mineral fortification. Without this, your dog will not be getting sufficient nutrients.

Homemade Or Commercial?

As mentioned above, comparing dog food is a mixed bag. In our opinion, comparing commercial dog food is simply comparing various second rate food items. None of them are going to compare with home cooked meals using fresh and natural ingredients.

Learn more now about dog food comparisons. Learn how raw dog food is better than all dog food brands.
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Dog insurance has been around for at least 15 to 20 years in the United States and several European countries, but it is still not widely used, at least in this country. While the usage has doubled in the last couple of years in the United States, it is estimated that still only about 3 percent of all dogs owners utilize the potential life saving benefits that it offers.

However, in countries such as the UK where it is very popular, it is estimated over 50 percent of all dog owners have insurance. The word itself, insurance, can easily evoke stress, but before comparing the various companies and the benefits that they offer, it is very helpful to take a second look at what dog insurance actually is.

Dog insurance should be viewed for exactly what it is; risk management. However, it really has a two fold purpose in risk management with the first being to avoid a financial loss and the second purpose in possibly saving your dogs life. The entire purpose of dog insurance should be viewed as the ability to ensure proper care and treatment when an unexpected medical situation does develop.

In many cases, if your dog was suddenly injured severely in an accident or develops a life threatening situation like bloat, the medical costs could easily exceed 2000.00 to 3.000 dollars. If you can afford this type of expenditure without any hardship, you have no need for insurance. However, most owners can not, and as a result it may place you in a very difficult and gut retching situation where you have to make a decision if your dog lives or dies.

Comparing Insurance Companies:

There are several factors that you will to consider when deciding on dog insurance, and the best way is to compare the three top companies in the United States that offer insurance; Embrace, Quick Care, and Pets Best Insurance. It deserves to be noted that in the UK there are over 691 pet insurance companies and they have a list of top ten companies.

There are several factors you should look at when comparing companies. The actual cost should be the last deciding factor instead of the first.

The first factor is the ability to select your own veterinarian. In the US, all three companies give you the ability to make this choice. The next factor should be the deductible you will have to pay. With this factor, Pets Best Insurance has the edge as they offer a 75, 100, and 200 dollar deductible, Quick Care a 100 and 200 deductible, and Embrace has a 100, 200 and 500 plan.

The next factor to consider is does the plan pay based on the actual veterinarian bill. Most companies will only reimburse allowable veterinary expenses and it will be important that you discuss this with your veterinarian first. With this factor, all 3 companies offer the same coverage. The next major factors to consider are the actual reimbursement percent and the waiting period. With the first option, Quick Care is the clear leader as they offer 80 to 100 percent reimbursement, Embrace offers 90, 80 and 65 percent, and

Pets Best has only one option, 80 percent. The waiting period options are perhaps where these companies really start to separate.

With this option in dog insurance the leader is clearly Quick Care. They have a plan that offers next day coverage for any accident or injury, and two other plans that have a 30 day waiting period if you choose. Pets Best is next with 3 days for accidents and 14 days waiting period for illness. Embrace is way behind with 14 days for accidents and 6 months for a critical illness. If you have to wait six months, why would you even consider insurance?

But now it starts to get very interesting and some of the UK companies are also separated for their top 10 counterparts. The next critical factor is the annual limit for coverage for your dog. Again, if you are going to pay for dog insurance and go back to the basic premise of insuring against risk, you want unlimited coverage just in case you need it. In the US, Quick Care, and Pets Best Insurance have no limits, but Embrace does. You can choose the limit, but it again ranks last.

In the UK there are seven companies that have unlimited coverage; M & S, Homebase, Pet Guard, Pet Plan, Pet Protect, Helpucover, and Greenbee.

But there are still several factors to consider, do the three plans cover alternative medicine? All three do, but both Embrace and Pets Best have restrictions, while Quick Care has no restrictions. The next factor is prescription medications which can be very expensive. Both Quick Care and Pets Best have full coverage, as does Embrace, but it is optional, again placing them last.

But now there comes a bit of a twist and this should be taken into full account by owners that have breeds that are prone to certain problems, especially large breeds. In this particular category, Embrace is the only company that has no restrictions. Pets Best only has restrictions on pregnancy for certain breeds, but Quick Care does have breed restrictions on certain breeds, placing them last in this category.

On pre-existing conditions which is very important, there is no winner or loser, as all three companies do not cover pre-existing conditions. The same is true with specialists and emergency care but the inverse; all three companies cover this situation.

The next factor in dog insurance is also very critical to look at, especially in large breeds or breeds that are prone to congenital or hereditary conditions. Again with this category, Embrace is the only company that has coverage and the other two are limited.

Dogs insurance has three more categories to consider; wellness care, chronic conditions, and dental problems. Quick Care and Pets Best does cover routine and wellness care depending on your plan, but Embrace does not. In regards to chronic conditions, Quick Care and Pets Best cover this potential problem as does Embrace, but it must be added to your policy.

With dental disease, only Embrace covers this very common problem in dogs but it is added, while the other two cover dental care, they do not cover dental illness.


Dog insurance is much more accepted in the UK than in the United States and there are several more options and companies to select from. In the US, Embrace is clearly the least beneficial of the three unless you have a large breed or breeds that are prone to certain inherited conditions. In this case, they are the clear leader. In all other categories, although Quick Care and Pets Best are very close, the edge has to go to Quick Care because of the waiting period time frame.

Selecting insurance is always a difficult decision but it could make the difference between life and death for your dog.

I am an avid lover of pets and my wife and I have had several pets throughout our years. We are especially fond of dogs, and we have a 12 year old Dalmatian (our 3rd) and a “mutt” that we rescued when someone threw him away to die in a vacant field.

He found us, nearly starved to death, and weighed about 2 pounds.

After severe bouts of mange and severe dehydration, and over 1,000.00 in veterinarian bills, we saved the little guys life, and he is one of the best, if not the best, dogs we have ever had and today is a muscular, fit, and firm 70 pound best friend.

After finishing my MBA, which at middle age was not easy, I decided to keep the research work ethics that I acquired, and devote about two hours each night in understanding the health benefits of supplementation for both humans and pets and how they might strengthen our, as well as our pets, immune system in a pre-emptive approach to health rather than a reactionary approach.

Both of my daughters are avid cat lovers, and asked me to help them with health concerns and challenges with their cats.

I am not a veterinarian nor claim to be, just a lover of pets that loves to research and pass on some knowledge that might be helpful, or at least stimulating to the thought process.

Several of the articles that I have written can be found on my website;

Liquid Vitamins & Minerals for Humans & Pets

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